EMCTL Commands for OMS

Table 27-2 lists the EMCTL commands for OMS.

Table 27-2 EMCTL Commands for OMS

EMCTL Command Description

emctl getversion oms

Shows the version of the OMS instance.

emctl start oms

Starts the Fusion Middleware components required to run the OMS application and the JVMD engine.

Specifically, this command starts HTTP Server, the Node Manager, and the managed server on which the Management Service is deployed. In addition, if this command is run on the host that has the Administration Server, then the Administration Server is also started. Similarly, if this command is run on a host that has Oracle BI Publisher configured, then Oracle BI Publisher is also started.

Note: Only the Oracle software owner can start or stop the OMS.

emctl start oms -admin_only

Starts only the Administration Server of the domain.

emctl start oms -bip_only

Starts only the BI Publisher server.

emctl stop oms

Stops the OMS managed server, JVMD engine, and HTTP server but leaves Node Manager and Administration Server running.

Note: The emctl stop oms command does not stop Fusion Middleware.

emctl stop oms -all

Stops all Enterprise Manager processes including Administration Server, OMS, HTTP Server, Node Manager, Management Server, JVMD engine, and Oracle BI Publisher (if it is configured on the host).

emctl stop oms -all -force


emctl stop oms -force

Stops the OMS.

The parameter -force can be used with both emctl stop oms -all and emctl stop oms commands. The -force option forcefully stops the relevant processes. Using this parameter is not recommended.

emctl stop oms -bip_only [-force]

Stops only the BI Publisher server.

The parameter -force forcefully stops the process instead of a graceful shutdown. Using this parameter is not recommended.

emctl status oms

Lists the statuses of the OMS, JVMD engine, and the BI Publisher server.

emctl status oms -bip_only

Lists the status of only the BI Publisher server.

emctl status oms -details [-sysman_pwd <pwd>]

Lists the OMS details such as:

  • HTTP and HTTPS upload and console ports of the OMS and the respective URLs

  • Instance home location

  • OMS log directory

  • Software Load Balancer configuration details

  • Administration server machine and port

  • Oracle BI Publisher details

  • JVMD engine

The -sysman_pwd parameter indicates the Enterprise Manager SYSMAN password. If it is not provided on the command line, you will be prompted for it.

emctl set property

Sets the values of the OMS configuration properties.

By default, the command emctl set property will set the property value for all the OMSs. To set the property value for a specific OMS, specify an extra option -oms_name, which should be in the format hostname.myco.com:17707_Management_Service. To set the property value for the current OMS, specify -oms_name = "local_oms.". To set the property for a remote OMS, specify -oms_name=<name of remote OMS>.

Note: From Enterprise Manager onwards, you can also view and edit OMS properties from the Cloud Control console as follows:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Management Services.

  2. On the Management Services page, click Configuration Properties.

  3. On the Configuration Properties page, you can view and edit OMS properties.

    Note: You will need OMS Configuration Property resource privilege to navigate to this page.

emctl get property

Displays the values of OMS configuration properties.

emctl get property -name <property name> [-oms_name <OMS name>] [-sysman_pwd "sysman password"]

Displays the value of the specified property.

-name indicates the name of the property and -oms_name indicates the name of the OMS for which the property value is to be derived. If -oms_name is not mentioned, the property value for all the OMSs are displayed.

emctl set property -name <property name> -value <property value> [-oms_name <OMS name>] [-module <emoms|logging>] [-sysman_pwd "sysman password"]

Sets the value of the specified property.

The parameters are explained below:

  • -name: Indicates the name of the property.

  • -oms_name: Indicates the OMS for which the property value has to be set. In case this option is not specified, the property value is set at a global level or for the current OMS.

  • -module_name: Indicates the module for the property. Specify either logging or emoms. Logging properties are used to configure Log4j whereas emoms properties are used to configure the OMS.

emctl set property -file <absolute path of the file containing properties> [-oms_name <OMS name>] [-module <emoms|logging>] [-sysman_pwd "sysman password"]

Sets the values of the properties in the specified file.

The parameters are explained below:

  • -file_name: Indicates the absolute path of the .properties file containing the properties and the values. This file should contain only those properties whose values need to be set.

  • -oms_name: Indicates the OMS for which the property values has to be set. In case this option is not specified, the property values are set at a global level or for the current OMS.

  • -module_name: Indicates the module for the property. Specify either logging or emoms. Logging properties are used to configure Log4j whereas emoms properties are used to configure the OMS.

emctl delete property -name <property name> [-oms_name <OMS name>] [-module <emoms|logging>] [-sysman_pwd "sysman password"]

Deletes the configured value of the specified property and sets it to the default value.

-name indicates the name of the property and -oms_name indicates the name of the OMS for which the property value is to be deleted. If -oms_name is not mentioned, the property value is deleted at the global level or for the current OMS.

emctl list properties

Displays the properties of all OMSs.

Use -out_file parameter to get a list of all the properties for all OMSs. This command enables easy comparison of configuration across two OMSs.

emctl list properties [-oms_name <OMS name>] [-module <emoms|logging>] [-out_file <output file name>] [-sysman_pwd "sysman password"]

Displays the values of all the customer visible OMS properties.

The parameters are explained below:

  • -oms_name: Indicates the OMS for which the property values are to be displayed. In case this option is not specified, the property values for all the OMSs are displayed.

  • -module_name: Indicates the module of the properties. This option can be used as a filter to display module-specific properties. Logging properties are used to configure Log4j whereas emoms properties are used to configure the OMS.

  • -out_file: Indicates the absolute path of the output file. This is an optional parameter to save the output in a file.

emctl config oms -list_repos_details

Displays the OMS repository details.

emctl config oms -store_repos_details [-repos_host <host> -repos_port <port> -repos_sid <sid> | -repos_conndesc <connect descriptor> ] -repos_user <username> [-repos_pwd <pwd>]

Configures the OMS to use the specified database as the Management Repository.

All the additional parameters mentioned in the command need to be specified.

emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd [-old_pwd <old_pwd>] [-new_pwd <new_pwd>] [-use_sys_pwd [-sys_pwd <sys_pwd>]]

Changes the password of root user (SYSMAN) in the repository database and in the OMS.

To change the Enterprise Manager root user (SYSMAN) password:

  1. Stop all the OMSs using emctl stop oms command.

  2. Run emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd on one of the OMSs.

  3. Restart all the OMSs using the emctl stop oms -all and emctl start oms commands.

emctl config oms -change_view_user_pwd [-sysman_pwd <sysman_pwd>] [-user_pwd <user_pwd>] [-auto_generate]

Configures the password used by OMS for MGMT_VIEW user that is used for report generation.

To change the Enterprise Manager MGMT_VIEW user password:

  1. Stop all the OMSs using emctl stop oms command.

  2. Run emctl config oms -change_view_user_pwd on one of the OMSs.

  3. Restart all the OMSs using the emctl stop oms -all and emctl start oms commands.

emctl secure oms

Sets up the SSL configuration for OMS.

emctl genreport oms -file_name <file_name> [-dest_dir <dest_dir>]

Generates and saves the emcli tracing performance report.

-file_name indicates the name of the input file containing the trace data and -dest_dir indicates the name of the output directory where the performance report is saved.

emctl gen_ui_trace_report oms [-start_time <start_time in hh:mm:ss format>] [-duration <duration in hh:mm format>] [-user_name <username>] [-out_file <out_file>] [-sysman_pwd <sysman_pwd>]

Generates the performance report for user interface (UI) access.

The parameters are explained below:

  • -user_name: Indicates the user name for which the UI access performance report has to be generated. The default is for all users.

  • -start_time: Indicates the start time in hh:mm:ss format from when the report has to be generated.

  • -duration: Indicates the duration in hh:mm format for which report has to be generated. The default is 01:00. The maximum duration is limited to 24:00.

  • -out_file: Indicates the name of the output report file.

emctl config oms -set_startup_mode [pbs_only | console_only | normal]

Configures the startup mode of the OMS. This command cannot be executed on the primary OMS.

The three startup modes are as below:

  • pbs_only: If the startup mode is configured to pbs_only, then the command emctl start oms starts only the PBS application.

  • console_only: If the startup mode is configured to console_only, then the command emctl start oms starts only the console application.

  • normal: If the startup mode is configured to normal, then the command emctl start oms starts both the PBS application and the console application.

emctl config oms -get_startup_mode

Displays the OMS startup mode of the current OMS.

emctl config oms sso -host ssoHost -port ssoPort -sid ssoSid -pass ssoPassword -das dasURL -u user

Configures Enterprise Manager (EM) to use Oracle SSO (OSSO) for authentication. To run this command you should have registered the EM site with the OSSO server, as you will need the generated registration file as an input for this command.

emctl config oms -update_ds_pwd -ds_name <datasource_name> [-ds_pwd <datasource_pwd>]

Updates a new password for the specified datasource.

In the command, -ds_name indicates the name of the datasource, and -ds_pwd indicates the new password of the datasource.

emctl config oms -store_embipws_creds [-admin_pwd <weblogic_pwd>] [-embipws_user <new_embipws_username>] [-embipws_pwd <new_embipws_pwd>]

Changes the password, and optionally the user name used by the Enterprise Manager to access the installed BI Publisher Web Server.

The emctl verb does not change the credentials of the user in the back end. Use the corresponding application or console to configure the back end credentials to match the credentials used in this emctl verb.

This command is operational only if the BI Publisher is installed. It is not necessary for you to restart any OMS (i.e. EMGC_OMS####, BIP####) for this command.

emctl config oms -bip_shared_storage -config_volume <vol1> -cluster_volume <vol2> [-admin_pwd <adminpwd>] [-sysman_pwd <sysmanpwd>]

Sets the shared storage for BI Publisher, in preparation of adding an OMS (which will also contain a scaled-out BI Publisher). Adding an OMS automatically adds a BI Publisher server that functions in a High Availability environment. Therefore, the BI Publisher will support both redundancy and scalability.

This command is used to set up or move a shared storage location in preparation of running the BI Publisher in a High Availability (HA) environment.

The parameter -config_volume specifies the BI Publisher repository and configuration files. The existing volume is copied to the volume specified in this parameter.

The parameter -cluster_volume specifies the storage required for the BI Publisher scheduler to operate in a HA environment.

This command is normally run only once on the system that contains the primary OMS and the primary BI Publisher.

emctl extended oms <verb> [verb_args] [-help]

Executes the <verb> registered with the EMCTL extended framework.

The verb_args parameter specifies the verb-specific arguments.

The -help parameter provides the verb specific help. For a list of extended verbs, run emctl extended oms.

emctl register oms metadata -service <Metadata Service Id> (-file <Metadata Instance file> | -file_list <File containing list of files to register>) (-core | -pluginId <Plugin Id>) [-sysman_pwd <sysman password>]

Registers the metadata.

The -file_list parameter provides the path to the file containing a list of the file paths (one on each line). These file paths are relative to OMS Oracle home or Plug-in Oracle home depending on whether the -core parameter is passed or the -pluginId parameter is passed.

emctl register oms metadata -service targetType -file <XML filename> [-core | -pluginId <Plugin Id>] [-sysman_pwd "sysman password"] and emctl register oms metadata -service storeTargetType -file <XML filename> [-core | -pluginId <Plugin Id>] [-sysman_pwd "sysman password"]

Registers a target type when these two commands are executed, one after the other.

The parameter -file <XML filename> specifies the target type .xml file name with the absolute path or the relative path.

emctl deregister oms metadata -service <Metadata Service Id> (-file <Metadata Instance file> && (-old_file <File containing previous metadata instances> | -no_old_file <in case there are no previous metadata instances>)) | -file_list <File containing list of ';' separeated new and old files to deregister>) (-core | -pluginId <Plugin Id>) [-sysman_pwd <sysman password>]

Erases the metadata.

The -file_list option provides the path to the file containing the list of file paths (one on each line). These file paths are relative to OMS Oracle home or Plug-in Oracle home depending on whether the -core parameter is passed or the -pluginId parameter is passed.