Location of Network Information in the User Interface

Table 32-1 shows where to find information.

Table 32-1 Location of Network Information in the BUI

Resource Location

To see fabrics

View All Targets and select Ethernet/InfiniBand Fabric.

To see networks

View All Targets and select Systems Infrastructure Network. Select a network.

To see datalinks

View All Targets, then select either Systems Infrastructure Network or Host. Select a network, click Network Connectivity tab, then click Data links option.

To see network switches

View All Targets and select System Infrastructure Oracle InfiniBand Switch or System Infrastructure Cisco Switch.

To see the virtualization host that is using a network

Display a network and view Connected Nodes section or click Network Members tab.

To see incidents for a network

View Networks Incident dashlet.

To see status of the network switch

View All Targets and select Systems Infrastructure Switch then view the Temperature, the Fan performance, and Throughput dashlets.

To view the performance of a network switch

View All Targets and select Systems Infrastructure Switch then select a network switch. Click the Performance tab. You can refresh the display at any time.

To view the metrics that are being monitored for a network switch

View All Targets and select Systems Infrastructure Switch. Right-click on Systems Infrastructure Switch and select Monitoring, then All Metrics.

To see ports of the network switch

View All Targets and select Systems Infrastructure Switch. Select a network switch. A grid shows the used and available ports.

To discover a fabric

Use one of the Add Target procedures.

To delete a fabric, datalink, or network

Use the Remove Target action.