Setting Your Homepage

Cloud Control allows you to choose the page that will serve as your homepage - the first page you see after logging in to Cloud Control. You can either:

  • Choose your own page, such as a target homepage that you view frequently or have customized to suit your specific needs

  • Select from a pre-designed homepage templates created for specific types of Cloud Control users

Choosing Your Own Homepage

  1. Navigate to the page you want to set as your homepage.

  2. Select Set Current Page As My Home from the menu item that displays the username of the currently logged-in user, just to the left of the Log Out menu item, as shown in Figure 26-1.

Selecting a Pre-Designed Homepage

  1. Select Select My Home from the menu item that displays the username of the currently logged-in user, just to the left of the Log Out menu item, as shown in Figure 26-1.

  2. Click the Preview button to preview a page design template you are interested in.

  3. Click the Select As My Home button to select a template as your homepage. Once you have selected a page, you can customize it to suit your needs.

De-selecting Your Homepage

Your homepage is saved as a “favorite" page. To de-select your current homepage:

  1. From the Favorites menu, select Manage Favorites.

  2. Select your homepage from the list, then click the Remove Selected button.

  3. Click OK when finished.