
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  


  • Access Control List 1, 2
  • Add Hosts Targets Wizard
    • Cygwin 1
  • Add Host Targets Wizard 1
    • Cygwin 1
    • PsExec 1
  • additional parameters
    • entering parameters 1, 2
    • supported additional parameters 1
  • administrator passwords 1
  • agent base directories
    • path validation rules 1
  • agent base directory 1
  • script 1
  • Application Performance Management
    • Java Virtual Machine Diagnostics 1
  • Auto Update 1


  • browser 1
  • browser requirements 1


  • central inventory 1, 2
    • hard disk space 1, 2
    • permission 1
    • space 1
  • Central Inventory 1
  • certification matrix 1, 2, 3
  • CLASSPATH environment variables 1
  • command locations 1
    • validating 1, 2
  • concurrent I/O 1
  • configuration assistant failures 1
  • configuration assistants
    • running
      • for new Enterprise Manager install 1
  • configuration data tablespace 1
  • CPU 1
  • CPUs
    • for Oracle Management Service 1
  • Cygwin 1
    • certified and supported version 1
    • configuring SSH after installing Cygwin 1
    • cygwin.bat script 1
    • install procedure 1
    • overview 1
    • packages 1
    • postinstallation tasks 1, 2
    • preinstall tasks 1
    • purpose 1
    • SSH daemon 1
    • testing the installation 1
  • cygwin.bat script 1


  • database
    • preconfiguring a Management Repository 1
  • databases
    • configuring with templates 1
    • connecting to a preconfigured database 1
    • entering connection details 1
    • preconfiguring a Management Repository 1, 2, 3
    • setting database parameters 1
    • supported databases 1
    • supported version 1
  • database templates
    • changing the deploment sizes 1
    • download templates 1, 2
    • extract templates 1, 2
    • overview 1
    • providing details 1, 2
    • purpose 1
    • resetting user account passwords 1, 2
    • SQL scripts 1
    • temlate files 1
    • template files 1
  • database version 1
  • demonstration sites 1
  • deployment procedure 1
  • deployment size 1
    • overview 1
    • running prerequisite checks 1
    • selecting different size 1
    • selecting in advanced installation 1
    • setting database parameters 1
  • deployment sizes 1
    • changing deployment sizes 1
    • selecting 1
    • selecting different size 1
    • size mismatch 1
    • target count, agent count, session count 1
  • directories
    • OMS instance base directory 1
    • PAF staging directories 1
    • temporary directory 1
    • white spaces 1, 2


  • EM CLI verbs
    • get_targets 1, 2
    • list_add_host_platforms 1, 2, 3
    • submit_add_host 1, 2, 3
  • EM prerequisite kit
    • manually running 1
  • encryption key 1, 2
  • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
    • installation
      • administrator passwords 1
      • advanced 1
      • advanced configuration 1
      • advanced installer options 1
      • auto-discovery of targets 1
      • certification matrix 1, 2
      • components installed 1
      • deploying plug-ins 1
      • deployment sizes 1
      • environment variable 1
      • evaluation 1
      • facts 1
      • internet connections 1
      • limitations 1
      • middleware home contents 1
      • OMS instance base location 1
      • overview 1
      • ports 1
      • postinstall steps 1
      • preconfiguring the Management repository 1
      • prerequisite checks 1, 2
      • prerequisites 1
      • selecting installation types 1, 2
      • simple 1
      • simple configuration 1
    • kernel parameters 1, 3
    • libraries 1, 3
    • packages 1
    • preconfigured Management Repository 1
  • Enterprise Manager Prerequisite Kit 1, 2
    • invocation type
      • automatic 1
      • manual 1
    • log files 1
      • emprereqkit.log 1
      • emprereqkit.out 1
    • overview 1
    • repository prerequisites 1
    • results on the GUI 1
    • running the kit 1


  • file descriptors 1, 2
  • files
    • oraInst.loc 1
  • firewalls 1
  • FTP 1


  • groups
    • creating the oinstall group 1
  • groups and users 1


  • hard disk space 1
    • for Oracle Management Agent 1
    • for Oracle Management Repository 1
    • for Oracle Management Service 1
  • hardware 1
    • advanced installation
      • large 1
      • medium 1
      • small 1
  • hardware requirements 1
  • heap size 1
    • for Oracle Management Service 1
  • high availability configuration 1
  • host file 1
  • host files 1, 3


  • installation
    • additional Oracle Management Service 1
    • administrator password 1
    • advanced 1
    • advanced installation 1
      • default plug-ins installed 1
      • targets monitored 1
    • components configured 1
    • demonstration site 1
    • demonstration sites 1
    • deploying plug-ins 1
    • deployment sizes 1
    • directory structure
      • for central agent 1
      • for Oracle Management Service 1
      • overview 1
    • evaluation 1
    • firewalls 1
    • installation types 1
    • internet connections 1
    • invoking the installation wizard 1
    • Management Agents 1
    • on NFS-mounted location 1, 2
    • overview 1
    • permissions 1
    • ports 1
    • preconfigured Management Repository 1
    • production sites 1
    • proximity 1
    • selecting installation types 1, 2
    • simple 1
    • simple installation 1
      • database parameters 1
      • default plug-ins installed 1
      • higher values 1
      • targets monitored 1
    • software updates 1
  • installation base directory
    • entering location 1, 2
    • permission 1
    • requirements 1
  • installation wizards
    • invoking
      • one Microsoft Windows 1, 2
      • one Unix 1, 2
  • installing user 1
  • instance directory 1
    • entering location 1, 2
  • internet connections 1
  • IP addresses 1


  • Java Virtual Machine Diagnostics 1
    • See: JVMD Diagnostics
  • Java Virtual Machine Pools 1
  • JVMD Agents
    • install prerequisites 1
    • install procedure 1
    • overview 1
  • JVMD Engines
    • install prerequisites 1
    • overview 1
  • JVM Diagnostics
    • installation
      • facts 1
      • overview 1
      • postinstallation steps 1
      • prerequisites 1
    • supported JDK version 1
  • JVM Diagnostics Administrator privilege 1
  • JVM diagnostics data tablespace 1
  • JVMD targets 1


  • kernel parameters 1, 3
    • for Oracle Management Agent 1
    • for Oracle Management Service 1
    • verifying 1


  • libraries 1, 4
    • for Oracle Management Agent 1
    • for Oracle Management Service 1
  • locked user account 1


  • management agent
    • installation
      • verifying 1
    • property files 1
  • Management Agent directory structure 1
  • Management Agent installation
    • acquiring Management Agent software
      • in offline mode 1
      • in online mode 1
    • additional parameters 1, 2, 3
    • agent base directory 1, 2, 3
    • Central Inventory 1
    • directory structure 1
    • hardware requirements 1
    • host list file 1, 2
    • installing using Add Host Targets Wizard 1
    • installing using EM CLI 1, 2, 3
    • instance directory 1, 2
    • Management Agent patches 1
    • Management Agent software requirements 1, 2
    • operating system requirements 1
    • overview 1
    • ports 1, 2
    • post install tasks 1
    • preinstallation and postinstallation scripts 1, 2
    • privilege delegation settings 1, 2
    • rolling deployment 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    • Self Update 1
    • SSH public key authentication 1
    • things to know before installing 1
    • tracking progress 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • troubleshooting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • using named credentials 1, 2
    • verifying the installation 1
  • Management Agent installation on Microsoft Windows hosts 1
  • management service
    • changing password 1
  • management tablespaces 1
  • Middleware Diagnostics 1
  • middleware home
    • location requirements 1
    • new Enterprise Manager installation
      • directory structure 1
    • permission 1
  • middleware homes 1
    • path validation rules 1
  • My Oracle Support
    • enabling Oracle Configuration Manager 1
    • enaling Oracle Configuration Manager 1
    • entering credentials 1, 2


  • named credentials 1, 2, 3, 4
  • new credentials 1
  • NFS-mounted location 1, 2
  • node manager 1
  • Node Manager 1


  • oinstall group
    • creating 1
    • description 1
  • OMS
    • verifying status 1
  • OMS instance base location 1
    • permission 1, 2
    • space 1
  • OpenSSH 1
  • operating system groups
    • creating 1
      • Oracle Inventory group 1
    • creating the oinstall group 1
    • oinstall 1
    • Oracle Inventory group 1
    • overview 1
    • requirements 1
  • operating system users
    • creating 1, 2
    • creating the oracle user 1
    • modifying 1
    • oracle 1
    • Oracle software owner user 1
    • overview 1
    • requirements 1
  • Oracle Configuration Manager 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Oracle Inventory 1, 2
    • pointer file 1
  • Oracle Inventory group
    • creating 1
    • description 1
  • Oracle Management Agent
    • hard disk space 1
    • installation
      • additional parameters 1, 2
      • facts 1
      • installation base directory requirements 1
      • installing on Oracle RAC cluster 1
      • instance directory 1
      • overview 1
      • path validation 1
      • permission 1
      • plug-ins configured 1
      • ports 1, 2
      • postinstallation scripts 1, 2
      • postinstall steps 1
      • procedure 1
      • software availability 1
      • supported additional parameters 1
      • verifying the installation 1
    • RAM size 1
    • verifying status 1
  • Oracle Management Repository
    • connecting from multiple OMS instances 1
    • hard disk space 1
    • RAM size 1
  • Oracle Management Service
    • cloning 1, 2
    • CPU 1
    • hard disk space 1
    • heap size 1
    • installation
      • facts 1
      • file transfer options 1
      • ports 1
      • postinstall steps 1
      • prerequisites 1
    • installing
      • Add Management Service deployment procedure 1
    • installing additional OMS 1, 2
    • RAM size 1
  • Oracle RAC SCAN 1, 2
  • Oracle software owner user
    • creating 1
    • description 1
  • Oracle Software Owner user
    • creating 1
  • oracle user
    • creating 1, 2, 3
    • description 1
  • Oracle WebLogic Server
    • Oracle WebLogic domain 1
  • oraInst.loc file 1, 2
    • location 1
    • location of 1
  • script 1, 2
  • Oralce Management Service
    • installation
      • procedure 1


  • packages 1
    • deinstalling 1
    • for Oracle Management Agent 1
    • for Oracle Management Service 1
    • identifying 1
    • identifying installed packages 1
    • verifying 1
  • passwd command 1
  • PATH environment variable 1
  • file 1
  • permissions 1
  • physical memory 1
  • file 1, 2
  • plug-ins
    • downloading plug-ins 1
    • selecting plug-ins 1
    • verifying installation 1, 2
  • ports 1
    • customizing 1
    • new Enterprise Manager installation 1
  • postinstallation scripts 1, 2, 3
  • preconfigured Management Repository 1
  • preconfigured repository
    • overview 1, 2
    • providing details 1, 2
  • preferred credentials 1
  • preinstallation scripts 1, 2, 3
  • prerequisite checks
    • entering details 1, 2
    • status 1, 2
  • privileged delegation setting 1, 2, 4
  • production sites 1
  • property files 1
    • overview 1
    • file 1
  • PsExec utility
    • downloading 1, 2
    • installing Management Agents using PsExec 1, 2
    • overview 1


  • RAM 1
  • RAM size
    • for Oracle Management Agent 1
    • for Oracle Management Repository 1
    • for Oracle Management Service 1
  • registration passwords 1
  • repository prerequisites 1
  • script 1
  • root squash 1, 2


  • Server Load Balancer
    • SLB monitors 1
    • SLB pools 1
  • server load balancers
    • requirements 1
    • SLB monitors 1
    • SLB pools 1
    • virtual servers 1
  • session name
    • format 1, 2
    • overview 1, 2
  • shared directory
    • space 1
  • software library accessibility 1
  • software updates
    • download issues 1
    • installing from local directory 1, 2
    • installing from My Oracle Support 1, 2
    • offline 1, 2
    • online 1, 2
    • overview 1, 2
    • searching 1
  • SPARC series
    • T1000 1
  • file 1
  • SSH 1, 2
  • SSH1 1
  • SSH2 1
  • SSH daemon 1, 2, 3
  • SSH public key authentication 1
  • file 1
  • staging location
    • destination 1, 2
    • source 1, 2
  • SUDO 1
  • support workbench metrics 1
  • symlink 1
  • SYSMAN 1
  • SYSMAN_APM 1, 2
  • SYSMAN_MDS 1, 2
  • SYSMAN_OPSS 1, 2
  • SYSMAN passwords 1


  • temporary directory
    • permission 1, 2
    • space 1, 2


  • UMASK 1
  • UMASK value 1
  • UMASK values 1, 2
  • UNIX commands
    • passwd 1
    • useradd 1
  • UNIX users
    • creating the oracle user 1
  • useradd command 1
  • file 1
  • users
    • creating the oracle user 1, 2
    • Oracle software owner user 1


  • validating command locations 1, 2


  • webLogic domain 1


  • XML DB 1