4 Security Best Practices for Database Management in Enterprise Manager

This chapter provides information about the security best practices that can be implemented for database management using Enterprise Manager 13. It contains the following sections:

Flexible Database Access Control

Enterprise Manager 13.1 introduces flexible database access control for Enterprise Manager Database Plug-in. The new out of box roles align with database personas and provide tighter access control on managed target databases. Before the introduction of this feature an Enterprise Manager user granted access on the database had access to all of the database management features, such as performance management, high availability management, storage management, security management and so forth. Enterprises have different classes of users such as DBA, Application Developer, Application DBA, and Infrastructure DBA that need to access database management functions. There is a need for a flexible privilege model to accommodate these roles. For example, enterprises may want their application developers to access only performance management functions in a View Only mode.

Providing enterprise users access to unnecessary features and pages opens up the database to security vulnerabilities. Oracle recommends that you grant Enterprise Manager users the minimum number of privileges required to perform their job. Introducing these out of box database management roles grants users access to only the Enterprise Manager pages required to perform their job.

Fine grained privilege control for Enterprise Manager Database plug-in provides a privilege control model for database pages. This enables Enterprise Manager super administrators to grant the minimum access to Enterprise Manager administrators and users required to complete their more specific responsibilities.

High levels of security can be implemented using the new flexible DB access control features for database management. This section includes the following:

Database Management Roles and Responsibilities

Oracle Enterprise Manager supports granting different levels of access to DBAs based on their roles and responsibilities in the organization. The following roles are recommended to implement security best practices for an organization.

  • Application DBA

    An application DBA is a restricted database administrator who manages application schemas, application objects, and application performance in the database. An application DBA should be able to identify and fix application performance issues in the database. An application DBA is responsible for keeping the application up and running and in good performance.

  • Application Developer

    An application developer is a person who develops an application. Application developers capture requirements from customers and develop the application according to customer requirements. Application developers use Oracle Enterprise Manager to tune SQL in their application modules for optimal performance in production environments. Application developers are responsible for the modules of the application in development, test, and production environments.

  • Monitoring User

    The database monitoring user monitors the database for smooth functioning of the application in production environments. Monitoring users respond to alerts raised in the Enterprise Manager environment. Monitoring users can update the schedule of metrics and setup blackouts on the databases. Monitoring users are not allowed to make any changes to the production database. Monitoring users ensure that the application is up and running by responding to any issues reported and ensuring that the issues are assigned to the DBAs responsible for resolution.

  • Database Administrator

    Database administrators performs full database lifecycle management including installation configuration, monitoring, backup, recovery, and performance tuning.

Application DBA Access

Application DBAs should have access to the Performance and Schema Management pages in Enterprise manager.

Creating an Application DBA Account

To create an application DBA account in Enterprise Manager:

  1. Follow the instructions in "Creating a New Administrator" to create an Enterprise Manager administrator.
  2. Grant the privilege Database Application DBA on the database target.
  3. Grant the Full privilege on the database host target.
  4. Using the Resource Privileges Page, grant the Create New Named Credentials privilege on the Named Credential Resource Type privilege page and Create Privilege on Job System Resource Type privilege.
Creating Named Credentials

To create named credentials, the database administrator can create their own named credential or it can be created by the super administrator (or a privileged Administrator with the system resource privilege) and then granted to the application DBA. The named Credential is granted the view privilege on the named credential so that the application DBA does not even know or see the contents of the named credential.

Application Developer Access

Application developers generally work on their development environments and have full access to their development databases. Application developers are not usually granted access to the production databases. However they might need access to a production database to see performance of application queries in a production environment. The access of the application developer to a production database must be READ ONLY access. Application developers should not be allowed to make any changes to the database. The application developer's access to a production database should be liberal enough to allow the developer to access performance management reports for a production database.

An Enterprise Manager administrator with the user management or grants management resource type privilege can grant application developer access on a database to an Enterprise administrator in Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c.

Granting Application Developer Access on the Database

To grant application developer access on the database, follow the instructions in "Creating a New Administrator" to create an Enterprise Manager administrator then grant the privilege Database Application Developer on the database.

Granting Application Developer Access to the Database Named Credentials

To access database management performance management pages the user must log in to the database using database named credentials. An application DBA should grant view credential access on a database named credential to the application developer in Enterprise Manager. The database named credential should have at least the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role on the database.

The application developer must not be given the user's password. The application developer should not be granted view access on the host, or any database host named credential.

The application developer account created in this way in Enterprise Manager will be able to view only the Performance Management and Schema Management pages in Enterprise Manager. The user will not be able to make any changes to the database.

Database Monitoring User Access

The database monitoring user has user access and views the database monitoring pages in Enterprise Manager.

Granting View Database Performance Access on the Database

To grant view database performance access on the database, follow the instructions in "Creating a New Administrator" to create an Enterprise Manager administrator then grant the privilege View Database Performance on the database target.

Sharing credentials with the Database Monitoring User

To share credentials with the database monitoring user:

  1. Create the database account for the database monitoring user.
  2. Grant the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role to the database account.
  3. Create a named credential in Enterprise Manager using the database account username and password.
  4. Grant the view credential access privilege on the named credential to the database monitoring user in Enterprise Manager.

    The database monitoring user can now use the database account to log in to the database in Enterprise Manager.

Users that do not have at least the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role cannot log in to the database in Enterprise Manager. If the database login user does not have at least the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role, the following error message is displayed:

The application requires more database privileges than you have currently been granted.Click on Help to get more version specific information.

Database Administrator Access

The database administrator has full access on the database and can perform any operation on the database.

Creating a Database Administrator Account

To create a database administrator account:

  1. Follow the instructions in "Creating a New Administrator" to create an Enterprise Manager administrator
  2. On the Create Administrator <Name>: Roles page add the EM_PATCH_ADMINISTRATOR and EM_PROVISIONING_OPERATOR roles.
  3. On the Target Privileges page grant the Add Any Target privilege from the Privileges Applicable to all Targets section.
Creating Named Credentials

To create named credentials the database administrator logs in to Enterprise Manager and creates a database named credential and a host named credential.

The database administrator provisions the database and adds the database to Enterprise Manager for management. Doing this makes the database administrator the owner of the database and listener targets in Enterprise Manager. The owner has FULL access on the targets in Enterprise Manager.

Granting Privileges Through Roles and Privilege Propagating Groups

A similar level of access on the database to multiple users can be granted by creating Enterprise Manager roles. Privileges can be granted to roles and the roles can be granted to the Enterprise Manager administrators. Access changes made to the roles are reflected to the Enterprise Manager administrators granted that role.

To manage a similar level of access across multiple databases to a user, privilege propagating groups should be created. Individual databases should be added to a privilege propagating group. Privileges can be granted on the privilege propagating group. Privileges granted at the group level are automatically propagated to the group members. The user automatically receives the privileges to any database that is later added to the privilege propagating group.

Enterprise Manager roles are explained in Section 2.2.1 of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Security Guide.


For more information about Enterprise Manager roles, see "Understanding Users, Privileges, and Roles"

Privilege Groups

Flexible DB Access Control privileges are broadly categorized into 12 privilege groups for easy manageability. The following sections describe the 12 privilege groups available in Enterprise Manager:


The privilege groups listed in this section apply to the following target types:

  • Database Instance

  • Cluster Database

  • Pluggable Database

Database Application DBA

The Database Application DBA can manage the application schema, application objects, and application performance in the database. In addition, the Database Application DBA can view and update the database to fix performance and other issues on the database.

Target Privileges Menu Items

Manage the Database Performance Privilege group

Manage the Database Schema Privilege group

Manage Database Performance Privilege Group

Manage Database Schema Privilege Group

Database Application Developer

The Database Application Developer can view the database performance in Enterprise Manager but cannot make any changes to the database.

Target Privileges Menu Items

View the Database Performance Privilege group

View the Database Schema Privilege group

View Database Performance Privilege Group

View Database Schema Privilege Group

Manage Database High Availability Privilege Group

The Manage Database High Availability Privilege group has the ability to manage database high availability pages in Enterprise Manager.

Target Privileges Menu Items

View the database backup

View database advanced queues

View database redo logs

View recovery settings

View the high availability console

View database resources

Availability>MAA AdvisorAdministration>Resource ManagerAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Backup ReportsAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Backup SettingsAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Recovery SettingsAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Recovery Catalog SettingsAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Transactions

View Database High Availability Privilege Group

The Manage Database High Availability Privilege group has the ability to view database high availability pages in Enterprise Manager.

Target Privileges Menu Items

View the database backup

View database advanced queues

View database redo logs

View recovery settings

View the high availability console

View database resources

Availability>MAA AdvisorAdministration>Resource ManagerAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Backup ReportsAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Backup SettingsAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Recovery SettingsAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Recovery Catalog SettingsAvailability>Backup & Recovery>Transactions

Manage Database Performance Privilege Group

Members of this group have the ability to manage all database performance and advisory features including SQL Monitor, SQL Performance Analyzer, memory advisors, segment advisors, and so on.

Target Privileges Menu Items

Use the database SQL Access Advisor

Manage the database SQL plan


Use the database SQL Tuning Advisor

Manage the database SQL Tuning sets

Database SPA administration

Manage database sessions

Database segment administration

View database memory usage

View the Database Performance Privilege Group

Database optimizer statistics administration

Connect target

Database ADDM administration

Database advisor tasks administration

Automated maintenance tasks administration

Manage database ASH reports

Manage database automatic undo management

Manage database AWR settings

Manage database health checkers

Manage database memory usage

Performance>Performance Home

Performance>SQL>SQL Performance Analyzer Home

Performance>SQL>Optimizer statistics

Performance>Top Activity

Performance>ASH Analytics

Performance>SQL Monitor

Performance>SQL>SQL Tuning Sets

Performance>SQL>SQL Plan Control

Performance>SQL>Cloud Control SQL History

Performance>SQL>Search SQL

Performance>Search Sessions

Performance>Blocking Sessions

Performance>Advisors Home

Performance>Real-Time ADDM

Administration>Storage>Automatic Undo Management

Performance>AWR>AWR Report

Performance>AWR>AWR Administration

Performance>AWR>Compare Period ADDM

Performance>AWR>Compare Period Reports

Performance>SQL>SQL Performance Analyzer Setup

Performance>SQL>SQL Tuning Advisor

Performance>SQL>SQL Access Advisor

Administration>Initialization Parameters

View Database Performance Privilege Group

Members of this group have the ability to view all database performance and advisory features including SQL Monitor, SQL Performance Analyzer, memory advisors, segment advisors, and so on.

Target Privileges Menu Items

Connect to a target (read-only)

View database actions

View database ADDM

View Database Advisor Home

View automated maintenance tasks

View database ASH reports and analytics

View database automatic undo management

View database AWR reports

View database health checkers

View database clients

View the database Data Recovery Advisor

View the database in-memory setting

Install database management packages

View database modules

View the Database Performance Home Page

View Database Optimizer statistics

View database segments

View database services

View database sessions

View the database SQL Performance Analyzer

View the Database SQL monitor

View the database SQL plan control

View the database SQL tuning sets

View database SQL scripts

View database top activity

Performance>Performance Home

Performance>SQL>SQL Performance Analyzer Home

Performance>SQL>Optimizer statistics

Performance>Top Activity

Performance>ASH Analytics

Performance>SQL Monitor

Performance>SQL>SQL Tuning Sets

Performance>SQL>SQL Plan Control

Performance>SQL>Cloud Control SQL History

Performance>SQL>Search SQL

Performance>Search Sessions

Performance>Blocking Sessions

Performance>Advisors Home

Performance>Real-Time ADDM

Administration>Storage>Automatic Undo Management

Performance>AWR>AWR Report

Performance>AWR>AWR Administration

Performance>AWR>Compare Period ADDM

Performance>AWR>Compare Period Reports

Manage Database Schema Privilege Group

Members of this group have the ability to manage database schema elements such as tables, views, indexes, packages, functions, and so on.

Target Privileges Menu Items

Manage database directory objects

Manage database export

Manage database import

Manage database indexes

Manage database Java content

Manage database materialized


Manage database tables

Manage database procedures and functions

Reorganize database objects

Manage database sequences

Manage database synonyms

Manage database workspaces

Manage the XML database

Manage database types

Manage database triggers

Manage database text Indexes

View database table data

Manage database dimensions

Manage database links

Manage database packages and package bodies

Schema>Database Objects>Synonyms

Schema>Database Objects>Sequences

Schema>Database Objects>Database Links

Schema>Database Objects>Directory Objects

Schema>Text Manager>Text Indexes


Schema>XML Database>Resources

Schema>XML Database>XML Schemas

Schema>XML Database>XMLType Views

Schema>XML Database>XML Indexes

Schema>XML Database>XML Repository Events

Schema>XML Database>XMLType Tables


Schema>Programs>Package Bodies

Schema>Programs>Java Sources

Schema>Programs>Java Classes

Schema>Materialized Views>Materialized Views

Schema>Materialized Views>Materialized View Logs

Schema>Materialized Views>Refresh Groups>Dimensions

Schema>User Defined Types>Array Types

Schema>User Defined Types>Object Types

Schema>User Defined Types>Table Types

Schema>Database Objects>Reorganize Objects

Schema>Database Export/Import>Export to Export Files...

Schema>Database Export/Import>Import from Export Files...

Schema>Database Export/Import>Import from Database...

Schema>Database Export/Import>Load Data from User Files...

Schema>Text Manager>Query Statistics

Schema>XML Database>Configuration

Schema>Change Management>Data Comparisons Schema Change Plans

Schema>Change Management>Schema Baselines

Schema>Change Management>Schema Comparisons

Schema>Change Management>Schema Change Plans

Schema>Change Management>Schema Synchronizations

View Database Schema Privilege Group

Members of this group have the ability to view database schema elements such as tables, views, indexes, packages, functions, and so on.

Target Privileges Menu Items

View the XML database

View database workspaces

View database types

View database triggers

View database text indexes

View database tables

View database synonyms

View database sequences

View database procedures and functions

View database packages and package bodies

View database materialized views

View database Java content

View database indexes

View database directory objects

View database dimensions

View database links

Schema>Database Objects>Tables

Schema>Database Objects>Views

Schema>Database Objects>Indexes

Schema>Database Objects>Synonyms

Schema>Database Objects>Sequences

Schema>Database Objects>Database Links

Schema>Database Objects>Directory Objects

Schema>Text Manager>Text Indexes


Schema>XML Database>Resources

Schema>XML Database>XML Schemas

Schema>XML Database>XMLType Views

Schema>XML Database>XML Indexes

Schema>XML Database>XML Repository Events

Schema>XML Database>XMLType Tables


Schema>Programs>Package Bodies

Schema>Programs>Java Sources

Schema>Programs>Java Classes

Schema>Materialized Views>Materialized Views

Schema>Materialized Views>Materialized View Logs

Schema>Materialized Views>Refresh Groups>Dimensions

Schema>User Defined Types>Array Types

Schema>User Defined Types>Object Types

Schema>User Defined Types>Table Types

Manage Database Security Privilege Group

Members of this group have the ability to manage all database security features including users, roles, profiles, transparent data encryption, database vault, and so on.

Target Privileges Menu Items

Manage database roles

Manage database audit settings

Manage database audit trails

Manage the database vault

Manage database virtual private database policies

Manage database users

Manage database transparent data encryption settings

View the Database Security Privilege group

Manage the database scheduler

Database redaction administration

Manage database profiles

Manage privilege analysis

Manage database Oracle label security



Security>Database Vault

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Jobs

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Job Classes

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Chains

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Schedules

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Programs

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Windows

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Window Groups




Security>Audit Settings

Security>Transparent Data Encryption

Security>Data Redaction

Security>Label Security

Security>Application Contexts

Security>Enterprise User Security

Security>Virtual Private Database

Security>Application Contexts

Security>Enterprise User Security

Security>Privilege Analysis

View Database Security Privilege Group

Members of this group have the ability to view all database security features including users, roles, profiles, data encryption, data vault, audit vault, and so on.

Target Privileges Menu Items

View database audit settingsView the database audit trailMonitor the database vaultView database feature usageView database Oracle label securityView privilege analysisView database profilesView database redactionView database rolesView the database schedulerView the Database Security HomeView database security reportsView database transparent data encryption settingsView database usersView database virtual private database policies



Security>Database Vault

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Jobs

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Job Classes

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Chains

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Schedules

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Programs

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Windows

Administration>Oracle Scheduler>Window Groups




Security>Audit Settings

Security>Transparent Data Encryption

Security>Data Redaction

Security>Label Security

Security>Application Contexts

Security>Enterprise User Security

Security>Virtual Private Database

Security>Application Contexts

Security>Enterprise User Security

Security>Privilege Analysis

Manage Database Storage Privilege Group

The members of this group have the ability to manage database storage.

Target Privileges Menu Items

Manage database control files

Manage database data files

Manage database redo logs

Manage database tablespaces

Manage database transport tablespace

Administration>Storage>Archive Logs


Administration>Storage>Control Files

Administration>Storage>Redo Log Groups


Administration>Storage>Temporary Tablespace Groups

Administration>Storage>Database File Systems

Administration>Storage>Information Lifecycle Management

Secured Communication (TCPS) Access to Databases

Out of the box support is provided for discovering, monitoring, and administration of TCPS enabled listeners. All databases created through the Admin provisioning flow or Cloud Self Service portal support SSL enabled connection strings by default. Target databases can be monitored securely by configuring the TCPS connection protocol. By configuring secured access, data transport encryption is enabled between OMS and the database server target and between the Agent and the database server target.

As businesses look towards cloud solutions, secure user authentication is a key requirement of the product offering. Oracle's default authentication protocols O3LOGON and O5LOGON (introduced in Enterprise Manager 11g) have been revamped to enable user authentication using the TCPS protocol for Oracle Database Server instead of the not-so-secure TCP protocol.


Using secure authentication has no impact on normal database performance.

Configuring TCPS

To configure TCPS:

  1. Enable the Oracle Advanced Security TLS setting on the target database.
    For TLSv1.2 configuration,
    1) Ensure SSL_VERSION is set to 1.2 for configuring TLSv1.2 in the sqlnet.ora or the listener.ora file,
    2) Ensure the SSL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION parameter in the sqlnet.ora file is set to TRUE.
  2. Configure secure wallets with third party CA certificates.
  3. Configure third party CA certificate wallets for OMS and Agent communication.
  4. Set the connection protocol to TCPS in the monitoring configuration properties of target database.

Configuring Third Party CA Certificates for Communication With Target Databases

You must set the following set of properties at the OMS server and Agent for secure target monitoring. Bounce the OMS and the agent to bring the changes into effect.


For more information about emctl, see "Using emctl partool Utility" in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Administrator's Guide. .

Properties to be Set at the OMS Server:

  • #Client authority

    • emctl set property -sysman_pwd sysman -name em.targetauth.db.pki.KeyStore -value <…wallet..>

    • emctl set property -sysman_pwd sysman -name em.targetauth.db.pki.KeyStorePassword -value <…>

    • emctl set property -sysman_pwd sysman -name em.targetauth.db.pki.KeyStoreType -value <..>

  • #Server authority

    • emctl set property -sysman_pwd sysman -name em.targetauth.db.pki.TrustStorePassword -value <…>

    • emctl set property -sysman_pwd sysman -name em.targetauth.db.pki.TrustStoreType -value <..>

    • emctl set property -sysman_pwd sysman -name em.targetauth.db.pki.TrustStore -value <…wallet..>

Properties to be set at the Agent residing on the target database host:

  • #Client authority

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionKeyStoreLocation -value <…wallet..>

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionKeyStoreType -value <..>

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionTrustStoreType -value <..>

  • #Server authority

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionTrustStoreLocation -value <…wallet..>

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionTrustStorePassword -value <..>

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionTrustStoreType -value <..>

Account Management

The following new EM CLI verbs have either been added or modified for target database account management:


For more information about these verbs, including examples, see the Verb Reference chapter in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface.

  • get_db_profile

    Displays the database profile details such as profile, resource name, resource type, and limits for a specific search criteria. The following example displays details about the profile with the name DEFAULT:

    emcli get_db_profile 
          -profile= DEFAULT 
  • get_db_account

    Displays database account details such as username, profile, account status, and authentication type for a specific search criteria. The following example displays the details of the user Admin1:

    emcli get_db_account 
  • update_db_account_status

    Updates the database account status to LOCKED, OPEN, EXPIRED,or LOCKED & EXPIRED. The following example locks the account:

    emcli update_db_account_status   
  • update_db_password

    Updates the target database password change in the Enterprise Manager Credential sub-system and can change the password on the target database as well. This verb also propagates the collection or monitoring credentials to Enterprise Manager Management Agents.

    The EM CLI verb update_db_password can now change passwords for all users, including SYS/SYSDBA users. The verb can change passwords for the database target and all Enterprise Manager credentials. It syncs the password file across RAC and Dataguard instances. It accepts database named credentials to logon to database targets if it is used for changing other users' passwords. The following example updates the database password:

    emcli update_db_password