Managing Saved Searches

The following sections provide information on creating, retrieving, and managing saved searches:

Saving Searches

Saved searches save administrators time by not having to redefine the same search again in the future. Saved searches help you in diagnosing problems faster because you are only a few clicks away from accessing a saved search as opposed to redefining the search again and again.

Note: Saved searches are per administrator. Therefore when the administrator logs out of the console, the search is stored and is available the next time the administrator logs in. In other words, saved searches that one administrator defines are not accessible by another administrator.

Once you have specified search criteria as described in Searching Log Files, you save it by clicking Save Search located at the top-right of the page. The name of the search is automatically created by concatenating fields used in the search, for example, Log Messages - Saved Search: "error", Last 1 hours, Incident Error,Error,Unknown.

Note: You can change the default name using the Manage Saved Search popup. This allows you to accept the default name and change it later.

Retrieving Saved Searches

To retrieve a saved search. follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring, select Logs., then select the target from the popup target selector.


    From the Targets menu, select Middleware, click a farm. From the Farm menu, select Logs, then select View Log Messages.


    Access the saved search from the Favorites menu.

    The Log Messages page appears.

  2. On the Logs page, click Saved Searches located at the top-right of the page.
  3. Choose a search.

    The search results populate the Search region.

Managing Saved Searches

To manage a saved search, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring, select Logs, then select the target from the popup target selector.


    From the Targets menu, select Middleware, click a farm. From the Farm menu, select Logs, then select View Log Messages. You can manage the saved searches pertaining to the target context only.


    Access the saved search from the Favorites menu and select Manage Favorites. You can manage all the log-saved searches which you have created irrespective of the context. You can see all the saved searches.

    The Log Messages page appears.

  2. On the Logs page, click Saved Searches located at the top-right of the page.
  3. On the list, click Manage Saved Searches.

    The Manage Favorites pop-up appears. You can:

    • Change the name of the search.

      When you select a row from the table, the name of search appears in the Name field at the bottom of the screen. You can edit the name of the search and click OK or you can click Cancel.

      Note: When you click OK, you will only be changing the name of the search, not the saved search criteria. Once the search criteria is changed, the Save Searches button is enabled.

    • Edit the search criteria.

      Click the link of the saved search. The Log Viewer screen appears in the context of the saved search. Make the changes and click Save.

    • Delete a search

      Choose a search and click Remove Selected.