Managing Saved Searches
The following sections provide information on creating, retrieving, and managing saved searches:
Saving Searches
Saved searches save administrators time by not having to redefine the same search again in the future. Saved searches help you in diagnosing problems faster because you are only a few clicks away from accessing a saved search as opposed to redefining the search again and again.
Note: Saved searches are per administrator. Therefore when the administrator logs out of the console, the search is stored and is available the next time the administrator logs in. In other words, saved searches that one administrator defines are not accessible by another administrator.
Once you have specified search criteria as described in Searching Log Files, you save it by clicking Save Search located at the top-right of the page. The name of the search is automatically created by concatenating fields used in the search, for example, Log Messages - Saved Search: "error", Last 1 hours, Incident Error,Error,Unknown.
Note: You can change the default name using the Manage Saved Search popup. This allows you to accept the default name and change it later.