
Exports an incident rule set from list of enterprise rule set(s).


Oracle-supplied out-of-box rule sets cannot be exported.

Privilege Requirements

Any user can export an enterprise rule set.


emcli export_incident_rule_set 
      -rule_set_name=<rule set name>  
      [-rule_set_owner=<ruleset owner>] 
      -export_file=<export file >  

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • rule_set_name

    Name of an enterprise rule set.

  • rule_set_owner (Optional)

    The owner of the rule set.

  • export_file

    XML file name along with the file path for the exported rule set.

    If the filename is specified within directory, this option will create the file with the specified rule set name in that directory.


This command exports an enterprise rule set named TEST_RULESET owned by sysman to an XML file (TEST_RULESET.xml) located in the tmp directory (/tmp/TEST_RULESET.xml).

emcli export_incident_rule_set -rule_set_name=TEST_RULESET -rule_set_owner=sysman -export_file="/tmp/"