
Exports all matching job definitions in Enterprise Manager, including Corrective Actions. System jobs and nested jobs are excluded.


emcli export_jobs 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • export_file

    Zip file name to be created.

  • name

    Job name pattern to be used for filtering. Semicolon-separated job names can be provided. When filtering by a single value, wildcard char(% or _) can also be used. Wildcard "%"matches one or more characters. "_"(underscore) matches exactly one character.

  • type

    Job type pattern to be used for filtering. Semicolon-separated job types can be provided. When filtering by sa ingle value, wildcard chars(% or _) can be used.

  • targets

    Target name, type pattern to be used for filtering. Semicolon-separated target names and types can be provided. When filtering by a single value, wildcard chars(% or _) can be used.

  • owner

    Owner of the jobs to be used for filtering. Semicolon-separated job owners can be provided.

  • preview

    Jobs in the Enterprise Manager site matching the filter criteria are shown to stdout. Jobs are not exported to any file.

Output Columns

Success/Error messages.


Example 1

This example exports job definitions for jobs MYJOB1 and MYJOB2 to job_data.zip:

emcli export_jobs -name=MYJOB1;MYJOB2 -export_file=jobsdata.zip

Example 2

This example exports job definitions for any jobs owned by user name starting with ADMIN.

emcli export_jobs -owner=ADMIN% -export_file=jobsdata.zip