
Removes the associations for the specified compliance standard from the specified groups of targets.


emcli remove_association_cs_group_targets 
     (-group_names="<group_name_list>" | -group_names_file="<file_name>")

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • cs_iname

    Internal name of the compliance standard.

  • author

    Author of the compliance standard.

  • version

    Version of the compliance standard.

  • group_names

    Comma separated list of group names.

  • group_names_file

    Name of the file that contains the group names. The group names can be either comma-separated values or in a file where the group names are listed on separate lines.

    Examples are:

    - group_names_file=group1,group2,group3

    - group_names_file="group.txt" where group.txt contains the following lines:

    • group1
    • group2
    • group3

    Note: Use either group_names or group_names_file.


The following example removes associations for the second version of the security standard, authored by Jones, for the groups named tgt_grp1 and tgt_grp2.

emcli remove_association_cs_group_targets 