
Removes the specified standard target associations.

Note: When the standard is provided by Oracle, the <std_name> is the standard internal name.




  • name

    Name of the standard.

  • version

    Version of the standard.

  • author

    Author of the standard.

  • target_list

    Name of the targets. Use this option when removing the compliance standard association from a small number of targets. Targets are separated by commas. When providing a group target, it should be appended with ":Group". Examples are:

  • target_list_file

    Name of the file that contains the list of targets. The targets can be either comma-separated values or in a file where the targets are listed on separate lines. Examples are:

    -target_list_file="slc0host.txt" Where slc0host.txt contains the following lines:

    Note: Use either the target_list option or the target_list_file option.


Example 1

The following example removes the standard target association named "secure configuration for host" and uses the target_list option to remove the targets associated with the standard.

emcli remove_cs_target_association 
    -name="secure configuration for host"

Example 2

The following example removes the standard target association named "secure configuration for host" and uses the target_list_file option to remove the targets associated with the standard. The targets listed in the file are either comma separated values or each target is listed on a separate line.

emcli remove_cs_target_association 
    -name="secure configuration for host"
    -target_list_file="file with target name list"