
Removes the customized data load limits for specified targets and metrics.

This verb supports bulk operation for the following cases:

  • All metrics of all targets for a specified target type

  • All metrics of specified targets for a specified target type

  • Specified metrics of all targets for a specified target type


emcli remove_metric_data_load_limits 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • -target_type

    Target type that you are removing the customized data load limits from. If you want to perform the operation on all targets, then skip this option.

  • -targets

    Semicolon separated list of targets for a specified target type. You must use the - target_type option with this option. If you want to perform the operation on all targets for a specified target type, then skip this option.

  • -metrics

    Semicolon separated list of metrics of a specified target type. You must use the -target_type option with this option. If you want to perform the operation on all metrics for a selected target type, then skip this option.


Example 1

The following command removes the customized metric data loading limits for all metrics of all host targets.

 emcli remove_metric_data_load_limits

Example 2

The following command removes the customized metric data loading limits for all metrics of the "" and "" host targets.

 emcli remove_metric_data_load_limits