
Sets a named credential as a target-preferred credential for the user.


emcli set_preferred_credential 
        [-credential_owner ="owner]"

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • set_name

    Sets the preferred credential for this credential set.

  • target_name

    Sets the preferred credential for this target.

  • target_type

    Target type for the target/credential set.

  • credential_name

    Name of the credential.

  • credential_owner

    Owner of the credential. This defaults to the currently logged in user.

  • test

    Tests the credential against the target_name before setting the preferred credential.


Example 1

This example sets the named credential MyHostCredentials as the target preferred credential for the target as HostCredsNormal.

emcli set_preferred_credential 

Example 2

This example sets the named credential MyDBCredentials as the target preferred credential for the target myDB:oracle_database as Normal Database Credentials. The command tests the named credential against myDB:oracle_database before setting the preferred credential.

emcli set_preferred_credential