
Sets the property for a test or beacons.


emcli set_properties

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Service target name.

  • type

    Service target type.

  • testname

    Name of the test to set the property on.

  • testtype

    Type of test to set the property on.

  • beacons

    Names of the beacons to set the property on.

  • properties

    Names and values of the properties to be set (can be multiple).


Example 1

This example sets the property timeout to 30000 and granularity to transaction for the test MyTest defined on MyTarget for all beacons.

emcli set_properties -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'

Example 2

This example sets the property value to 30000 of the test MyTest defined on MyTarget for only MyBeacon and MyBeacon2. This only works if the specified properties can be set on a per beacon level.

emcli set_properties -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'
      -propertyName='timeout' -propertyValue='30000'