Adding the Connector to Cloud Control

Follow these steps to add the connector to Cloud Control.

  1. Add the Change Management Connector to Cloud Control.

    1. Log into Enterprise Manager as an Administrative user that has privileges to create a connector.

    2. From the Setup menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then choose Software Library.

    3. Click Actions, then select Administration.

    4. Click Add.

    5. Provide a name, such as "self update swlib".

    6. Provide a location where the swlib files will be located on the Cloud Control server. This can be anywhere, but must be a path that the Cloud Control user can access. You must put the full absolute path in this input.

    7. This process will take several minutes to complete.

    8. Locate the connector self-update package file.

      The connectors jar can be downloaded from the Cloud Control store to EM@Customer using the Self Update console, and can be exported to any local directory using the export functionality of Self Update.

    9. Run: emcli import_update -file=<full path>/ –omslocal (where is an example name of the self update package)

    10. If you have errors with the previous step, make sure the user you run emcli as has permissions to access this directory and file. Also, be sure you are using absolute path for the -file switch.

    11. When successful, you will receive the following message:

      Operation completed successfully. Update has been uploaded to Cloud Control. Please use the Self Update Home to manage this update.

    12. Log into the Enterprise Manager console.

    13. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Self Update.

    14. Find the type "Management Connector" and click the link "1" under "Downloaded Updates" for this entry.

    15. Select the Connector from the table and click Apply.

  2. Create a Change Management Connector instance.

    1. Log in into Enterprise Manager console.

    2. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Management Connectors.

    3. Select "Remedy Change Management Connector" from the drop-down after "Create Connector", then click Go.

    4. Provide a name and description for the connector. This name is used to choose the connector when creating a Real-time Monitoring Compliance Standard Rule.

    5. After returning to the management connector listing page, select the newly added row, then click Configure.

    6. Under the Web Service End Points label, change the [servername] and [port] to match that of your Remedy instance Web Services. The values you put here will be similar to what you configured in the Web Services step earlier in these instructions.

    7. Enter the Remedy username and password you are using for the connector integration.

    8. Enter the locale ('en', for example).

    9. Enter the time zone offset of the remedy server from UTC, ('-08:00', for example).

    10. Enter the Change ID to use as a test. This should be a valid Change Request ID currently existing in Remedy that is used to test the connectivity between Cloud Control and Remedy.