Using Automatic Reconciliation Rules

Once Remedy is customized and the Cloud Control connector is configured, to utilize the automatic reconciliation features you need to create Real-time Monitoring Rules that are configured to use automatic reconciliation. Use the following steps:
  1. Create a Real-time monitoring Rule:
    1. Follow the normal steps to create a Real-time monitoring Rule.
    2. On the Settings page, choose Authorized Observations Automatically using Change Request Management System. This configures Cloud Control to use this change request from Remedy for reconciliation of Real-time Observations that are detected.
    3. Select the connector from the drop-down.
    4. Click to annotate change requests with authorized observations check box.
    5. Continue to save the rule after this. The Real-time Monitoring Rule can be used like any other Real-time Monitoring rule. The integration with a new Change Management server will not begin until at least one Real-time Monitoring Standard with a rule using Automatic Reconciliation is associated to a target. Create a Compliance Standard, add this rule to the Compliance Standard, and associate this compliance standard to one or more targets.

For more information on the configuration of rules, see Managing Compliance in Oracle Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Administrator's Guide.