Overview of Reconciliation Functionality

After creating a change request that references a target and/or facet that is being monitored by Real-time Monitoring rules, any observations that happen against that rule will be correlated to all open and matching change requests.

When the observation arrives at the Cloud Control server, all open change requests that were active (based on Scheduled Start/Stop time) and have matching correlation criteria from the Cloud Control Integration tab will be evaluated. If any change request exists that matches the criteria of the observation, this observation will be marked with an “authorized" audit status. If the annotation check box was checked in the Rule configuration, details of these authorized observations will be put into a table in the Enterprise Manager Integration tab of the Remedy Change Request.

If no open change requests can be correlated to the observation and the rule was configured to use automatic reconciliation, then this observation is set to an Unauthorized audit status. The Observation bundle to which this observation belonged will be in violation and results in a Cloud Control event being created. This event can further be used through creation of a Cloud Control Event Rule.

An observations audit status can be seen whenever looking at observation details either by selecting Compliance, then Real-time Observations, then Observation Search, or either of the Browse By screens. A user with the proper role can also override the audit status for individual observations from these pages.

Any bundles that are in violation because they contain unauthorized observations will be reflected as violations in the Compliance Results page. These violations cause the compliance score skew lower. If these violations are cleared, the score becomes higher; however, the history of these audit status changes will be retained for the given observation.