Migrate via REST API
This topic outlines the steps required to migrate your database to Cloud via REST API. Review the following steps to migrate databases using REST-API
Perform a complete Migration Operation using Data Pump
To perform a complete Migration using the Data Pump method use the following REST request. This sample code loads data from an on-premises database into a cloud database:Note:
can be used if user wants the OMS to pull the files from the Host. The Host needs to be discovered in Enterprise Manager.
Request Method
HeaderContent-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic
"action": "MIGRATE",
"options": "SPA",
"type": "DATAPUMP"
"proxy":{ --> Required if you have a proxy connection setup
"dbCredName":"<db-cred-name:em-cred-owner>", --> If not provided, preferred credentials will be used
"hostCredName":"<host-cred-name:em-cred-owner>" --> If not provided, preferred credentials will be used
"directory":"<dump directory name>",
"ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD":"<Encryption Password>",
"useProxy": <boolean, true/false> --> If true, the proxy from main section will be used to upload objects to OCI Object store
"useProxy": <boolean, true/false> --> If true, the proxy from main section will be used to connect to ADB
"dbCredName":"<db-cred-name:em-cred-owner>", --> If not provided, preferred credentials will be used
"hostCredName":"<adb monitoring host-cred-name:em-cred-owner>" --> If not provided, preferred credentials will be used
import": {
"args": {
"PARALLEL": "6",
"REMAP_TABLESPACE" : "<source_tablespace:target_tablespace> [, <source_tablespace:target_tablespace>, ...]"
"dbOciAuthCred": "<cloud-cred-name:cloud-cred-owner>"
"tnsName": "<adb-service-name>",
"recomplieInvalidObjects": <true|false>, -->After migration recompiles all invalid objects within the migrated schemas
"analyzePerformance": -->optional
"useSPA": true/false,
"createSTS": true/false,
“usePreferredSTS”: true/false -->optional
“stsName”: “stsname01” -->optional
“stsOwner”: “stsOwnedSchema” -->optional
"stsOwner": "EXPUSER" -->optional
"baselineDurationDays": 7 -->optional, set duration for SPA to analyze
The Response generated will come back in the following format:{
"statusCode": 200,
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "....",
"submissionName": ".....",
"submissionBy": "SYSMAN",
"submissionId": "<Unique Submission ID>",
"executionId": "<Unique Execution ID>",
"uiActivityUrl": "/em/faces/core-jobs-procedureExecutionTracking?executionGUID=<Submission ID>",
"restActivityUrl": "/em/websvcs/restful/db/migration/activities/<Submission ID>"
At this point the database has been successfully migrated.