Migrate via REST API

This topic outlines the steps required to migrate your database to Cloud via REST API. Review the following steps to migrate databases using REST-API

Perform a complete Migration Operation using Data Pump

To perform a complete Migration using the Data Pump method use the following REST request. This sample code loads data from an on-premises database into a cloud database:


POST can be used if user wants the OMS to pull the files from the Host. The Host needs to be discovered in Enterprise Manager.
Use this REST call to enter the migration parameters:
Request Method
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic
    "action": "MIGRATE",
    "options": "SPA",
    "type": "DATAPUMP"
    "proxy":{  --> Required if you have a proxy connection setup

                "dbCredName":"<db-cred-name:em-cred-owner>", --> If not provided, preferred credentials will be used
                "hostCredName":"<host-cred-name:em-cred-owner>" --> If not provided, preferred credentials will be used

                    "directory":"<dump directory name>",
                    "ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD":"<Encryption Password>",

        "useProxy": <boolean, true/false> --> If true, the proxy from main section will be used to upload objects to OCI Object store

		"useProxy": <boolean, true/false> --> If true, the proxy from main section will be used to connect to ADB
             "dbCredName":"<db-cred-name:em-cred-owner>", --> If not provided, preferred credentials will be used
             "hostCredName":"<adb monitoring host-cred-name:em-cred-owner>" --> If not provided, preferred credentials will be used

        import": {
        "args": {
          "PARALLEL": "6",
          "REMAP_TABLESPACE" : "<source_tablespace:target_tablespace> [, <source_tablespace:target_tablespace>, ...]"
          "NOLOGFILE": "YES",
        "dbOciAuthCred": "<cloud-cred-name:cloud-cred-owner>"
      "tnsName": "<adb-service-name>",
      "recomplieInvalidObjects": <true|false>, -->After migration recompiles all invalid objects within the migrated schemas
   "analyzePerformance": -->optional
        "useSPA": true/false,
        "createSTS": true/false,
        “usePreferredSTS”:  true/false -->optional
        “stsName”: “stsname01” -->optional
        “stsOwner”: “stsOwnedSchema” -->optional
        "stsOwner": "EXPUSER" -->optional
        "baselineDurationDays": 7 -->optional, set duration for SPA to analyze
The Response generated will come back in the following format:
    "statusCode": 200,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "....",
    "submissionName": ".....",
    "submissionBy": "SYSMAN",
    "submissionId": "<Unique Submission ID>",
    "executionId": "<Unique Execution ID>",
    "uiActivityUrl": "/em/faces/core-jobs-procedureExecutionTracking?executionGUID=<Submission ID>",
    "restActivityUrl": "/em/websvcs/restful/db/migration/activities/<Submission ID>"
At this point the database has been successfully migrated.