Migrate Using Database Migration Workbench

Migrating Databases with the Database Migration Workbench is a simple intuitive process that will guide you through setting up and moving your on-premises databases to Oracle Autonomous Databases.

To begin a database migration using the Database Migration Workbench, first review the Migration Workbench Prerequisites.


Underneath Data Migration, click on the arrow next to Getting Started to see the flow diagram for Database Migration Workbench.
  1. Click on Enterprise from the main menu bar, select Migration > Migration and Consolidation >Database> Database Migration Workbench. Click Create Migration Activity.
  2. Enter a migration name under Name Activity (the field is pre-populated with a default value). Under Migrate select whether to migrate the Full Database or just the Schema.
    • To Select a Source Database, you can either click on the bar and select a database or search for a database by clicking on the magnifying glass. The magnifying glass, opens a new pop up window allowing you see all databases with a Type, Status, Host, Version and Platform information. You can further filter down by Database Name and Target Type (Database Instance, Pluggable Database, Cluster Database).

      Click on the Source Database to be migrated.

    • To Select a Destination Database, you can either click on the bar and select a database or search for a database by clicking on the magnifying glass. The magnifying glass, opens a new pop up window allowing you see all databases with a Type, Status, Host, Version and Platform information. You can further filter down by Database Name and Target Type.

      Click on the Destination Database that will receive the migration.

    Once selected, you will see a summary of both Source and Destination databases.
  3. Optional Upload Migration Tools: Enterprise Manager automatically downloads the latest version of the tools, however if they are not available from the Software Library for your operating system you will need to upload them. For more information see Upload Migration Tools.
    • Select Upload Instant Client to upload Instance Client files to Software Library. Select the Operating System platform and upload the following zip files from your environment: Instant client basic zip package, Instant client SQL*Plus zip package and Instant client tools zip package.
    • Select Upload Schema Advisor to upload the Autonomous Database Schema Advisor SQL file. For more information see My Oracle Support Note 2462677.1
    Once you have uploaded the files, click on Upload and Continue.
  4. The Add Details page shows a summary of the information entered:
    • Source: Ensure the information is correct, select the Monitoring Agent Host Credentials and Database Credentials (Preferred or Named). When selecting Named credentials select the credential from the drop down menu.
    • Destination: Ensure the information is correct and select the Database Credentials and Monitoring Agent Host Credentials (Preferred or Named). When selecting Named credentials select the credential from the drop down menu. If required you can specify the Service Name, a default is loaded if not.
    • Action (Data Pump):
      • Select Recompile Invalid Objects After Migration to allow Migration Workbench to recompile all invalid objects within schema once a migration successfully completes. This option is unchecked by default
      • Select Compare Performance After Migration to configure and allow for performance analytics to run comparison analytics after the migration.
      • Under Source Data Pump Directory, enter and confirm the Encryption Password, enter the Cloud Storage URL, Bucket Name and Credentials.
      • Under Database OCI Auth Credential the default cloud credential will be shown and preselected, you can select a different credential from the list if required.
    Click Next.
  5. In the Customize page, set the following:


    • In schema based migrations, a combo box will appear above Export Options, select the schema to be migrated.
    • Select the Question mark next to the Export or Import option for a description.
    • Export Options:
      • EXCLUDE
      • CONTENT
      • PARALLEL
    • Import Options:
      • PARALLEL
    • Upload Options: Select with the radio buttons whether a Monitoring Agent from the Source Database or a Different Agent will be used. If you select Different Agent enter the Agent, Host Credential and Stage Directory where it is located.
    Click Review.
  6. The Review & Submit page, allows you to review all information before proceeding to migrate and can run tests to ensure a proper migration. We recommend you run a schema advisor by clicking Analyze Source under Source. Validate your migration setup, click the Validate button. A pop up, where a pre-check runs will appear.

    Once all issues presented by Analyze Source and Validation are resolved, click Submit to migrate.

  7. A pop up will require you to confirm that you have done the source analysis and when to start the migration Immediately or Later (requires a date and time when the migration will start).

    Click Submit.

Database Migration Activities Dashboard Screen

In the main Database Migration screen you are presented with the latest Migration Activities information:
  • All: Migrations occurred in the last 24 hours
  • Completed: Completed migrations in the last 24 hours
  • In Progress: Migrations currently in progress
  • Problem: Migrations that encountered problems in the last 24 hours
  • Scheduled: Migrations scheduled to occur in the next 24 hours
  • Warnings: Migrations that completed with warnings in the last 24 hours


You can modify the dashboard views by selecting the time range in View Data to 7 Days or All on the top right corner of the dashboard.
The Migration Activity table, show detailed information for each specific migration. Clicking on the right hand menu specific to each Activity, you can perform the following operations:
  • Cleanup: Deletes the dump files created during the migration from the Data Pump directory and Object Storage. For more information on Cleanup see: Clean Up Migration Files.


    The Cleanup activity will not remove, cancel, rollback or stop an ongoing migration.
  • View Details: Takes you to a new screen with specific details for the selected Activity. You can see specific steps and results for each step in this view.
  • View Analysis: Takes you to a new screen with Validation, Export and Import dashboards with detailed information allowing you to drill down to specific validations and schema to best analyze performance for your migrated database. For more information see: Analyze Migrated Database Performance
  • Compare Performance: In this screen you can compare performance from before migration (source database) to after migration (destination database). For more information see: Analyze Migrated Database Performance
  • Mark as Complete: Migration activities that encounter warnings are reported with Status Completed with Errors, you can review and can mark the migration as Completed. For more information see: Review Status and Complete Migration