Operations on Change Activity Plans

You can perform the following on plans:

Creating a Plan Like Another Plan

When you have a plan that meets your requirements, you can create a plan like another plan. This saves you time and money.

  1. On the Change Activity Plans page, highlight the plan which you want to mimic. Click Create Like. In the dialog box, type the name of the new plan. Click OK.

    This activates the Create Plan Wizard. Follow the steps outlined in Create a Change Activity Plan. The following steps alert you to changes that have consequences when creating a plan like another plan.

  2. On the Create Plan: Properties page, you can change the name of the plan. You can also change the target type but if you do, all the task definitions will be removed!

    Click Next.

  3. On the Create Plan: Tasks page, you can add, edit, and remove task definitions and task groups. You can also move task definitions and task groups within the plan.

    When moving or copying task definitions and task groups, dependencies if set will be retained. It is strongly recommended that all task names be unique. This ensures less confusion when managing tasks after the plan has been activated. During the copy operation, a new name with an updated index is provided to propagate unique naming. The name can be changed using edit.

    Click Next.

  4. On the Create Plan: Targets page, you can add and edit targets associated with a task definition. On the resulting dialog box, select the targets associated with the task definition. There must be at least one target associated with each task definition. Click OK after you have made the changes. Click Next.
  5. On the Create Plan: Activate page, you can activate the schedule.

    Note: You can leave this Activate page blank until you are ready to activate the plan.

    Click Next.

  6. On the Review page, ensure all the information you have entered is as you intended. If updates are necessary, click the Back button and make the necessary changes.

    You also have the option to Save and Exit if you are not ready to activate the plan.

    Click Activate if you are ready to activate the plan. Click Refresh on the Change Activity Plans page to see that the plan is activated. You can only manage a plan after it has been activated.

Editing a Plan

With the exception of the activity plan's owner, the types of modifications that can be performed on an activity plan are dependent on the activity plan's status.

  • Pending Activation - Indicates the plan is scheduled to start some time in the future. This plan can be modified up to and until the start date at which time it becomes Active.

    The Edit button is enabled for activity plans that have not yet been activated. Clicking the Edit button shows a wizard that is essentially the same as the Create Plan wizard. All edits are enabled. Follow the steps outlined in Create a Change Activity Plan.

  • Active - Once an activity plan has been activated, editing is available only from the Manage Plan page. From this page, it is possible to update the activity plan's scheduled end date and depending on a task's status, assign a task, update a task's start or scheduled end date, and cancel a task.

  • Completed, Deactivated - No edits are allowed

  • Definition in Progress - Edits are allowed

To edit a plan, on the Change Activity Plans page, highlight a plan in the Change Activity Plans table. Click Edit. This activates the Create Plan Wizard.

For information on how to change the owner of a plan, see Changing the Owner of a Plan.

Deleting a Plan

Delete a plan when it is no longer useful.

To delete a plan:

  1. On the Change Activity Plans page, highlight a plan in the Change Activity Plans table.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. In the resulting Confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Deactivating a Plan

Deactivate a plan when the plan is no longer relevant to the original task or project, but might prove to be useful for future informational purposes or auditing. Also consider that the structure of this plan could be useful for future projects.

Deactivating a plan results in the plan's tasks being canceled and the plan's progress is no longer monitored. However, for viewing purposes, the plan continues to be available from the Change Activity Plans pages.

If you no longer need to view the plan, consider deleting the plan instead of deactivating it.


After a plan is deactivated, it cannot be re-activated.
  1. On the Change Activity Plans page, highlight a plan in the Change Activity Plans table.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Deactivate.
  3. In the resulting Confirmation dialog box, click Yes, deactivate plan.

Exporting Plans

Exporting plans captures in an external document the status of the Change Activity Plans.

To export activity plans:

  1. From the Actions menu on the Change Activity Plans page, select Export.
  2. Either save the file or open it as a spreadsheet.

The export function exports a list of all the plans, not an individual plan.


The resulting spreadsheet is in Read Only format.

Printing Plans

Because reporting is a major part of Project tracking and Auditing, print the plans to provide information to management.

To print plans:

  1. From the Actions menu on the Change Activity Plans page, select Print.
  2. Print creates a printable page in another tab. Select the tab and then Print content. The content is the list of all Plans, not an individual plan.

Changing the Owner of a Plan

The owner of an activity plan can be updated regardless of the activity plan's status. To change the owner of an activity plan:

  1. In the Change Activity Plans table located on the Change Activity Plans page, highlight the plan whose owner you want to change.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Change Owner.

  3. In the resulting table, select the name of the new owner. Click Select.


The owner of the plan and Super Administrator can change the owner.

You can change the Owner of a task based on the Target Owner. If the task has a target, and that Target has an Owner defined, then you can set the task Owner to the Target Owner.

Assigning Tasks to the Group Owner

For project purposes, you might need to assign tasks to a manager. This enables the manager to evaluate the work load, the availability of the team, and then assign tasks accordingly.

To assign tasks to a group owner, you must first create a target property. The following steps explain how to create a target property.

  1. Create an emcli property:
    emcli login -username=sysman
    emcli add_target_property -property=CAP_assignments  -target_type="*"
    where CAP_assignments represents any property (NOTE: The property MUST begin with CAP_)
    and * represents all targets in the Enterprise Manager Repository
  2. From the Targets menu, select Host. From the table, click the host in which you are interested. On the resulting Host home page, from the Host menu located in the upper-left corner, select Target Setup, then select Properties. Type the target property value for the target.

Using the CAP UI, you can reassign tasks using this target property. For example, on the Tasks tab located on the Manage Plan page, click Change Owner, then select Assign Tasks by Target Property.