Saving a Procedure Configuration of a Procedure

If you have to use a properties file repeatedly to run a procedure, then Oracle recommends that you save this Procedure with the properties file and give the saved procedure a name. Every time you want to run the procedure with the same properties file, you can run the saved Procedure by giving its name. To save the procedure, run the following command:

emcli save_procedure_input -name={name of procedure configuration} -procedure={Procedure name}
[-owner={owner of procedure}] 
-input_file=data:/file path/file name 
[-grants={users and their corresponding accessing levels}] [-notification={procedure status}]
[-schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;tz:{java timezone id};grace_period:xxx]

emcli save_procedure_input -name=procConfiguration -procedure=ComputeStepTest -input_file=data:/tmp/ -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB;
user2:FULL_JOB" -notification="scheduled, action required, running" -schedule="start_time:2012/12/25 00:00;tz:American/New York;grace_period:60"