Provisioning Using EM CLI

Deployment Procedures can be run from the command line using EM CLI or from Cloud Control UI. Launching a procedure either from command line or from GUI requires a set of inputs to be provided. However, the mode of entering these inputs differ in both the cases. While running a Deployment Procedure from the UI, you can use a wizard to enter all the inputs required to run the procedure. However, in EM CLI, you use Properties File for entering the inputs. Properties File is a file which contains all the inputs required to run a Deployment Procedure. The following sections describe how to create properties file from scratch and use it in procedures, how to use properties file of a procedure that has already been executed, and how to create a template using a properties file and a few other attributes to run the deployment procedures.


  • You cannot provision pluggable databases by running Deployment Procedures using EM CLI. For information on how to provision pluggable databases using EM CLI, view Provisioning Pluggable Databases.

  • The -swlib argument works for cloning only Oracle Database 9i Release 2. Do NOT use this argument for later releases.

This section covers the following scenarios: