Using Properties File from an Existing Execution of a Deployment Procedure

This graphic illustrates how to retrieve the properties file of a deployment procedure that has already been executed, update values into the file, and then submit the procedure with the updated properties file as the input.

Using Properties File from an Existing Execution

Retrieving Properties File From an Existing Execution

All the inputs required for the selected Deployment Procedure like variable names, targets, credentials, and so on are provided in this step to successfully submit the procedure from the command line. Generating the Properties file is a two-step process as follows:

  1. To retrieve the GUID or the Name of the procedure, run the following command:
    emcli get_procedures 
    [-type={procedure type}]
    [-parent_proc={procedure associate with procedure configuration}]
    ./emcli get_procedures -parent_proc=SIHA_SIDB_PROC
    B3FCE84B1ED96791E040578CD7810EC5, DBPROV, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura11, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura11, 1.0, SSUBBURA1, SIHA_SIDB_PROC
  2. Use the GUID to retrieve the Instance ID of the procedure:
    emcli get_instances 
    [-type={procedure type}]
    ./emcli get_instances -type=DBPROV
    B3FE0C8302EA4A4CE040578CD781133C, B3FE0C8302F64A4CE040578CD781133C, DBPROV, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbur, Failed
    B3FE34D472C00AD9E040578CD781107B, B3FE34D472CC0AD9E040578CD781107B, DBPROV, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura1, Failed
  3. Use the Instance ID in the following command to retrieve the input properties file of the instance:
    emcli get_instance_data 
    [-instance={instance guid}] 
    [-exec=execution guid]
    The following examples describe how to use the procedure GUID to generate the properties file template:
    emcli get_instance_data -instance=B3FE0C8302EA4A4CE040578CD781133C >
  4. Updating the Existing Values in the Properties File

    The main goal of this step is to update the values in the properties file (if required). To do so, use any editor to open the properties file and enter the updated values against the names. After updating the required fields, save and close the properties file.

  5. Submitting the Procedure with the Updated Properties File as Input

    To run the procedures from the command line you must use the EM CLI verb submit_procedure as described in Creating the Properties File to Submit a Deployment Procedure

  6. Verifying the Status of the Procedure

    To verify the status of the procedure, see Creating the Properties File to Submit a Deployment Procedure.