Creating the Properties File to Submit a Deployment Procedure

This graphic illustrates how to create a template properties file, update values into the file, and then submit the procedure with the updated properties file as the input.

Creating a Properties File for a Deployment Procedure

Step1: Create Template Properties File From a Procedure Definition

All the details required for the selected Deployment Procedure like variable names, targets, credentials, and so on are provided in this step to successfully submit the procedure from the command line. Generating the Properties file is a two-step process as follows:

  1. To retrieve the GUID or the Name of the procedure, run the following command:
    emcli get_procedures 
    [-type={procedure type}] 
    ./emcli get_procedures -type=DBPROV 
    B3FCE84B1ED96791E040578CD7810EC5, DBPROV, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura11, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura11, 1.0, SSUBBURA1, SIHA_SIDB_PROC
    B35E10B1F430B4EEE040578CD78179DC, DBPROV, DBREPLAYCLIENTDP_NG, Provision Oracle Database Client, 6.1, ORACLE
    B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC, DBPROV, SIHA_SIDB_PROC, Provision Oracle Database, 1.0, ORACLE
  2. Use the GUID or the name in the following command to generate a template properties file. Use the following command when you are running the Deployment Procedure for the first time, or when you do not have too many variables in your procedure to update:
    emcli describe_procedure_input 
    [-procedure={procedure GUID}] 
    [-name={procedure name or procedure configuration}] 
    [-owner={owner of the procedure or procedure configuration}][-parent_proc={procedure of the procedure configuration. this only applies to describe a procedure configuration with the same name}]
    The following examples describe how to use the procedure GUID to generate the properties file template:
    ./emcli describe_procedure_input -procedure=B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC > 

This EM CLI verb describes the input data of a deployment procedure or a procedure configuration in a name-value pair format, which is also called as the properties file format. The advantage of this name-value file format for a procedure is that it is flexible enough to accept multiple destination targets.

Step 2: Entering New Values in The Properties File

Use any editor to open the properties file and enter values against the names. After updating all the fields, save and close the properties file.

The main goal of this step is to create a library of property files where the most common input values have been set as defaults, this in turn reduces the chances of operator errors, and also reduces the number of inputs expected from the operators.

For example, vi 


For example properties file, see section Provisioning Oracle Database Software or Provisioning Oracle WebLogic Server.

Step 3: Submitting the Procedure With The Updated Properties File as Input

After the properties file is ready with the correct name-value pair required to run the Deployment procedure, you must use the EM CLI verb submit_procedure, which accepts the edited properties file as the input.

emcli submit_procedure 
[-name={name of the procedure}] 
[-owner={owner of the procedure}] 
[-procedure={guid of the procedure}]
-input_file={data:{file_path}/file name"  [-instance_name={name for the procedure instance}] [-notification={procedure status}]
[-grants={users and their corresponding accessing levels}]  [-schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm; tz:{java timezone ID}]

Starting with Cloud Control 12c, you can submit the procedure either using the procedure GUID or using the procedure name/owner pair, as described in the following example:

  • Submitting the properties file using the GUID of the procedure:

    emcli submit_procedure -procedure=B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC -schedule="start_time:2006/6/21 21:23; tz:America/New_York" -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB; user2:FULL_JOB" -notification="scheduled, action required, running"
  • Submitting the properties file using the procedure name/owner pair:

    emcli submit_procedure -name=SIHA_SIDB_PROC -owner=sysman -schedule="start_time:2006/6/21 21:23; tz:America/New_York" -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB; user2:FULL_JOB" -notification="scheduled, action required, running"


Verifying parameters ...
Deployment procedure submitted successfully 
Note: The instanceId is B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179F1

This verb functions in a non-waiting mode, which means it submits the procedure for execution and returns without waiting for it to complete. The output of this verb indicates if the submission of the procedure was successful or if any errors were encountered. A successful submission displays the Instance GUID as the output.

Step 4: Verifying The Status Of the Procedure

The final step lets you to track the progress and status of the procedure. This is especially important since the submit procedure verb does not wait for the completion of the Deployment Procedure:

emcli get_instance_status 
[-instance={instance guid}] 
[-exec=execution guid] 
[-tailLength={last N characters}]]]


emcli get_instance_status -instance=B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179F1 -details -showJobOutput
