Step 3: Associating a Zip File to the Generic Component

To upload a zip file to an existing entity myEntity, use the following verb:

emcli upload_swlib_entity_files


A new revision of the entity myEntity will be created after the upload is complete.


Upload of file(s) initiated, this may take some time to complete...
Upload of file(s) completed successfully.
Entity 'myEntity (0.2)' in 'mySubFolder' folder has been created, identifier is 'oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_Generic:C77200CA9DC1E7AAE040E50AD38A1599:0.2'.

Alternately, to refer to a zip file present in an HTTP reference location, say myScripts, use the following verb:

emcli refer_swlib_entity_files


Entity 'myEntity (0.2)' in 'mySubFolder' folder has been created, identifier is 'oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_Generic:C77200CA9DC1E7AAE040E50AD38A1599:0.2'.