Step 2: Creating a Generic Component Entity

To create an entity of type Component and subtype Generic Component under mySubFolder folder, follow these sections:

Step 1a. Identifying the Entity Type

To list all the available types in Software Library, use the following verb:

emcli list_swlib_entity_types


Component, COMP_Component
Directives, COMP_Directives
Bare Metal Provisioning, BMPType
Virtualization, Virtualization

Step 1b. Identifying the Entity Subtype

To list all the subtypes for the component type, use the following verb:

emcli list_swlib_entity_subtypes


Generic Component, SUB_Generic
Oracle Database Software Clone, SUB_OracleDB
Configuration Template, SUB_ConfigTmpl
Self Update, SUB_SelfUpdate
Oracle Clusterware Clone, SUB_OracleCRS
Service Bus Resource, SUB_OSBResource
Oracle Software Update, SUB_OraSoftUpdate
Java EE Application, SUB_JavaEEApplication
Installation Media, SUB_InstallationMedia
Database Template, SUB_DbCreateTemplate
Database Provisioning Profile, SUB_DbProfile
WebLogic Domain Provisioning Profile, SUB_FMWBundle
WebLogic Domain Clone, SUB_WLSTemlpate
Oracle Middleware Home Gold Image, SUB_FMWImage

Step 2. Creating a Generic Component Entity

To create a generic component, run the following verb:

emcli create_swlib_entity
-desc='myEntity description'
-attr="VENDOR:Example Corp"
-note='first comment for myEntity


The type and subtype options are optional when creating a Generic Component, but has been used explicitly for this illustration.


Entity 'myEntity' is created in 'mySubFolder' folder, identifier is 'oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_Generic:C77200CA9DC1E7AAE040E50AD38A1599:0.1'


You can use the identifier of the newly created entity that is part of the output message when uploading files or modifying the entity.

To verify the newly created entity, use the following verb:

emcli list_swlib_entities


myEntity,0.1,myEntity description,Ready,Component,Generic Component,Untested,SYSMAN