Unplugging and Dropping a Pluggable Database

To unplug and drop a PDB, follow these steps:

  1. Meet the prerequisites.

    For information on the prerequisites for unplugging and dropping a PDB, see Prerequisites for Unplugging and Dropping a Pluggable Database.

  2. Log in to EM CLI by running the following command on the OMS host:
    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<name_of_user> -password=<password>
  3. View the help file of the unplug_pluggable_database verb by running the following command:
    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli help unplug_pluggable_database
  4. Run the unplug_pluggable_database verb:
    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli unplug_pluggable_database
    -cdbTargetName=<Specify the CDB target name from which PDB needs to be unplugged>
    -cdbTargetType=<Specify the CDB target type - oracle_database, rac_database>
    -cdbHostCreds=<Specify the host credentials on which the CDB target is located>
    -cdbTargetCreds=<Specify the credentials of container database on which the PDB will be unplugged.>
    -pdbName=<Specify name of the PDB that needs to be unplugged>
    [-unplugPDBToSWLIB=<Specifies that unplugged PDB should be uploaded to Software Library (SWLIB)>]
    [-pdbTemplateNameInSWLIB=<If -unplugPDBToSWLIB, specify the name to be used for PDB Template component in SWLIB.>]
    [-tempStagingLocation=<If -unplugPDBToSWLIB, specify a temporary working directory for copying staging SWLIB files.>]
    -unplugPDBTemplateType=<Specify the PDB template type -  ARCHIVE, RMAN, XML.>
    [-pdbArchiveLocation=<If -unplugPDBTemplateType=ARCHIVE, this is fully qualified archive location with file name>]
    [-pdbMetadataFile=<If -unplugPDBTemplateType=RMAN or XML, this is fully qualified path for the PDB metadata file>]
    [-pdbDatabackup=<If -unplugPDBTemplateType=RMAN, this is fully qualified path for the PDB datafile backup>]

    For example, you can run the following command to unplug and drop a PDB:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli unplug_pluggable_database -cdbTargetName=db -cdbTargetType=oracle_database -cdbHostCreds=HOST_CREDS -cdbTargetCreds=CDB_CREDS -pdbName=db_pdb -unplugPDBTemplateType=ARCHIVE -pdbArchiveLocation=/u01/app/unplugged/db_pdb.tar.gz