
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • adding targets to Enterprise Manager 1
  • additional management features
    • automated discovery 1, 2
    • automation 1
    • automation (jobs) 1
    • compliance rules and standards 1, 2
    • configuration management 1, 2
    • custom reports 1, 2
    • custom target credentials 1, 2
    • custom user interface for management 1
    • jobs 1
    • target-to-target associations 1, 2
  • APIs, cloud 1
  • archive file, plug-in 1
  • association derivation
    • example 1
    • logic 1
    • mechanism 1
    • rule management 1
    • rules 1, 2
    • rules performance 1
    • using 1
  • association instances
    • set 1
  • associations
    • definition 1
    • representation 1
  • association types
    • core hierarchy 1
    • defining 1
    • out-of-box 1
    • set 1
  • authoring rules 1
  • automatic discovery 1
    • components 1
    • enabling 1
    • introduction 1
    • key benefits 1
    • overview 1
    • register 1


  • bindings 1
  • BI Publisher 1
    • HTML output 1
    • PDF output 1
    • RTF templates 1
    • XLS output 1


  • chart types 1
  • Cloud Control
    • management repository 1
    • Oracle Management Service 1
    • platform 1
  • Cloud Control Console 1, 2
  • cloud web service APIs 1
  • comparing configurations 1
  • compliance control 1
  • compliance evaluation 1
  • compliance management, overview 1
  • compliance management solution, about 1
  • compliance standard rules 1
    • about 1
    • real-time monitoring 1
    • repository rules 1
    • WebLogic server signature rules 1
  • compliance standards 1
    • about 1
    • creating 1
  • configuration collections 1
  • configuration information, collecting 1
  • configuration metrics, identifying 1
  • configurations, about 1
  • configuration snapshots, collection 1
  • control, compliance 1
  • core management features
    • availability and blackouts 1, 2
    • common console features 1, 2
    • default system reports 1, 2
    • groups and systems 1, 2
    • metric collection and alert 1
    • metric collection and alerts 1
  • creating compliance standards 1
  • critical thresholds, specifying 1
  • customized UI 1
  • custom user interface for management 1


  • database jobs 1
  • default collection metadata 1
  • default collections file 1, 2
  • default warnings, specifying 1
  • definitions
    • job type 1
  • definitions, schema 1
  • deployment configuration, stand-alone 1
  • derived associations 1
    • FAQ (frequently asked questions) 1
    • frequently asked questions 1
  • designing content 1
  • determining metric collection 1
  • discovered associations 1
  • discovered entity 1
  • discovering potential targets 1
  • discovery
    • content 1
    • discovery module 1
    • metadata 1
    • parameters 1
    • plug-in 1
    • schedule 1
  • discovery content 1
  • discovery framework 1
  • discovery metadata 1
  • discovery metadata XML file 1
  • discovery module 1
  • discovery parameters 1
  • discovery scripts 1
  • discovery scripts, packaging 1


  • EDK 1, 2, 3
    • downloading 1
    • installing 1
    • requirements 1
  • EDK, components 1
  • EM CLI 1
  • Enterprise Configuration Management
    • about 1
    • comparing configurations 1
    • exporting configurations 1
    • features 1
    • framework 1
    • saving configurations 1
    • searching configuration information 1
    • tracking changes 1
  • Enterprise Manager, framework 1
  • examples
    • association derivation 1
  • extending Software Library 1
  • Extensibility Development Kit, see EDK 1
  • extensibility plug-in
    • about, overview 1


  • framework
    • Enterprise Configuration Management 1
    • MPCUI 1
    • reporting 1
    • software library 1
    • UI 1


  • globally unique identifier 1
  • groups 1
    • assembling 1
    • definition 1
    • members 1
    • normal 1
    • privilege propagating 1
  • GUID (globally unique identifier) 1


  • implementing MPCUI
    • metadata-only 1
  • Information Publisher 1
  • installing the EDK 1
  • integration objects 1


  • job type definition 1


  • logic, association derivation 1
  • look and feel, UI 1


  • manageable entity
    • classes 1
    • existence only state 1
    • managed state 1
    • multiple states 1
    • NYM state 1
    • see ME 1
  • manageable entity class
    • definition 1
    • Enterprise Manager capabilities 1
    • representation 1
  • managed entities 1
  • managed state 1
  • managed target
    • about 1
    • definition 1
    • examples 1
  • managed targets 1
    • lifecycle status 1
    • target identity 1
  • managed targets, configuration information 1
  • Management Agent 1, 2, 3
  • management console 1
  • management framework deployment, typical 1
  • management metadata 1
  • management repository 1, 2
    • NYM entity 1
  • Management Repository 1, 2
    • information 1
  • Management Repository views 1
  • managing targets 1
  • ME 1
  • ME classes 1
  • metadata
    • discovery 1
  • metadata files
    • packaging 1
    • target type 1, 2
  • metadata plug-in custom user interface
    • see MPCUI 1
  • metric definitions 1
  • monitoring data, retrieving 1
  • monitoring scripts 1
    • about 1
    • about the framework 1
    • building blocks 1
    • EDK 1
    • implementations 1
    • options for building UIs 1
    • reusable components 1
    • supported interfaces 1
    • templates 1
  • MPCUI framework 1
  • MPCUI services
    • jobs 1
    • metric data 1
    • remote operations 1
    • SQL results 1
    • target associations 1
    • target properties 1


  • new features
    • plug-ins 1
  • Not-Yet-Managed see NYM 1
  • NYM 1
  • NYM entity 1


  • OMS
    • see Oracle Management Service 1
  • Oracle Management Agent
    • see Management Agent 1
  • Oracle Management Repository
    • see Management Repository 1
  • Oracle Management Service 1, 2, 3
  • overlapping associations 1, 2


  • packaging metadata files 1
  • packaging tool 1
  • parameters, discovery 1
  • performance metrics, identifying 1
  • plugin
    • publishing 1
  • plug-in
    • administrative features 1
    • contents 1
    • creating 1
    • creating files 1
    • deploying 1
    • designing 1, 2
    • designing content 1
    • development lifecycle 1
    • downloading 1
    • introduction 1
    • metadata 1
    • metadata files 1
    • new features 1
    • packaging 1, 2
    • target types 1
    • undeploying 1
    • upgrading 1
    • validating 1
  • plug-in archive 1
  • plug-in archive file 1
  • plug-in metadata 1
  • plug-ins
    • getting started 1
  • promoting targets 1


  • redundancy groups 1
  • removing plug-in 1
  • renaming targets 1
  • reporting 1
  • root cause analysis 1
  • rule authors 1
  • rule query, testing 1
  • rules
    • association derivation 1, 2
    • compliance standard 1
    • managing association derivation 1
    • real-time monitoring 1
    • repository 1
    • WebLogic server signature 1


  • saved snapshot 1
  • saved snapshots 1
  • saving configurations 1
  • schema definitions 1
  • searching configurations 1
  • service
    • definition 1
    • examples 1
  • set, of association instances 1
  • snapshot type 1, 2
  • Software Library framework 1
    • creating and managing entities 1
    • defining metadata 1
    • extensibility concepts 1
    • overview of key features 1
    • using entities 1
  • stand-alone deployment configuration 1
  • stored procedures 1
  • supported chart types 1
  • system
    • definition 1
    • members 1
    • relationships 1
  • systems
    • operations 1
    • state 1
  • system state 1


  • target
    • adding to Enterprise Manager 1
    • renaming 1
  • target configuration 1, 2
  • target definition files 1
  • target identity 1
  • target instance 1
  • target model 1
    • groups 1
    • services 1
    • supported management capabilities 1
    • systems 1
  • target properties 1
  • targets
    • about managed 1
    • definition 1
    • discovering 1
    • examples 1
    • managing 1
    • preconfigured 1
    • promoting 1
  • target type 1
  • target-type metadata 1
  • target type metadata file 1, 2
  • target type parameters, defining 1
  • templates, MPCUI 1
  • topology viewer 1
  • triples 1
  • types 1


  • UI, customized 1
  • UI framework 1
  • UI look and feel 1
  • user interface components
    • charts and tables 1
    • layout 1
    • look and feel 1
    • navigation 1
    • packaged regions 1
    • pages 1


  • value-added instrumentation 1
  • verification tool 1
  • viewing configurations 1
  • views, Management Repository 1


  • WebLogic server signature rules 1