Repository Upgrade Fails

If repository upgrade fails with ORA-21700 PS4 HA EM 13.2 upgrade, you must make the RAC DB to single-instance DB during EM upgrade and bounce the running instance.

Following are the steps to make the RAC DB to single-instance DB during EM upgrade and bounce the running instance:

  1. Log in to all but one instance as sys using individual connect-descriptor and shut it down by running the following command:

    from SQL*Plus run 'shutdown immediate'

  2. Log in to the running instance as sys and bounce it by running the following command:

    from SQL*Plus run  'shutdown immediate', 'startup'

If you have not started the upgrade, follow the above steps and use the individual connect-descriptor of the running instance or RAC connect-descriptor in EM Installer's Interview-page. 

(Bug 23532666)