Transparent Data Encryption Page Unavailable After Upgrade From Previous Versions of Enterprise Manager

After performing an upgrade from either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Release 3 ( or Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Release 4 ( to Enterprise Manager Release 13c, you may not be able to view or access the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) functionality under the Security menu in the context of a target database (specifically version

Perform the following steps to reach the Transparent Data Encryption home page:

  1. From the Oracle Database page, navigate to the Security home page by choosing Security from the Oracle Database home page.

  2. From the Security menu, choose Home.

  3. On the Security home page, scroll down to the Encryption, Redaction and Masking section.

    In this section you will find high level information related to Transparent Data Encryption (if the keystore was previously configured).

  4. If the keystore is not configured, click on the home icon in the Oracle Advanced Security section to navigate to the TDE home page.

    TDE home page is displayed.

This issue occurs primarily with target Database version

(Bug 22231728)