Database Monitoring User Access

The database monitoring user has user access and views the database monitoring pages in Enterprise Manager.

Granting View Database Performance Access on the Database

To grant view database performance access on the database, follow the instructions in "Creating a New Administrator" to create an Enterprise Manager administrator then grant the privilege View Database Performance on the database target.

Sharing credentials with the Database Monitoring User

To share credentials with the database monitoring user:

  1. Create the database account for the database monitoring user.
  2. Grant the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role to the database account.
  3. Create a named credential in Enterprise Manager using the database account username and password.
  4. Grant the view credential access privilege on the named credential to the database monitoring user in Enterprise Manager.

    The database monitoring user can now use the database account to log in to the database in Enterprise Manager.

Users that do not have at least the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role cannot log in to the database in Enterprise Manager. If the database login user does not have at least the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role, the following error message is displayed:

The application requires more database privileges than you have currently been granted.Click on Help to get more version specific information.