3 Metrics, Reports, and Alerts Provided

This chapter provides a summary and description of the metrics, reports, and alerts provided by the system monitoring plug-in for Apache Tomcat through Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

The following topics are provided:

Metrics Collected

Metrics are units of measurement used to determine the health of a target. To find a complete list of all the metrics for a target, click All Metrics in the Related Links section of the target home page. From the All Metrics page, you can view all the metric categories for the target and then drill down to any particular metric for additional information.

After adding the target to Enterprise Manager, you can then customize the monitoring configuration of the target; for instance, you can modify metric threshold values, change metric collection schedules, and disable collection for some metrics.


Several predefined, performance-based reports are provided for Apache Tomcat. Such reports include:

  • Apache Tomcat Load - Charts of total load on all global request processors

  • All Applications Load - Applications load charts at server level

  • Apache Tomcat Thread Pools - Thread pools active threads and total thread charts

  • Datasources - Datasources active connections and idle connections charts

  • Global Request Processors Load And Performance - Global request processor load and performance charts

  • Memory Utilization - Resource utilization charts

  • Top 10 Applications Based On Total Sessions - Top 10 applications based on sessions created during the last 24 hours

  • Top 10 Servlets Based On Total Requests - Top 10 servlets by number of requests on each servlet during the last 24 hours

Additionally, custom reports can also be generated based on data stored in the Management Repository.


You can configure Enterprise Manager to send alerts notifying you of problems with the target. To receive alerts on the console, specify warning and/or critical threshold levels for those metrics of importance to you.

To edit an alert threshold:

  1. Choose Metric and Policy Settings on any target home page.
  2. From the Metric Thresholds page, you can either modify warning and/or critical thresholds directly from the table.

    Alternatively, click the Edit icon (pencil) to access the Edit Advanced Settings page.

An alert is triggered when one of the following conditions is true:

  • A metric threshold is reached.

  • The availability of a monitored service changes.

  • A metric-specific condition occurs.