A Editing the Response File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in Silent Mode

This appendix describes the following:

Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in Silent Mode

Table A-1 describes the parameters you must update in the upgrade.rsp response file for upgrading your Oracle Management Service (OMS and Oracle Management Repository (Management Repository) in silent mode.

Table A-1 Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and Management Repository in Silent Mode

Parameter Name Applicable Upgrade Approach Data Type Are Double Quotes Needed for the Values? Description


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.



(Required only when central inventory does not exist) Enter the name of the UNIX group you belong to.

For example, "dba".


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.



(Required only when central inventory does not exist and if the OMS you are upgrading was installed using the invPtrLoc argument) Enter the absolute path to the Central Inventory.

For example, "/u01/software/oraInventory".


Applicable only to normal upgrade.

Not applicable to software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for software-only upgrade.



  • Enter TRUE if you want to download and install security updates. Then, enter the credentials for the following parameters in double quotes:



  • Enter FALSE if you do not want to download and install security updates:


Applicable only to normal upgrade.

Not applicable to software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for software-only upgrade.



  • Enter TRUE if you want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have entered FALSE for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT.

  • Enter FALSE if you do not want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have entered TRUE for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT.


Applicable only to normal upgrade.

Not applicable to software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for software-only upgrade.



By default, this parameter is set to "skip" indicating that the software updates will not be installed during installation.

  • If you want to install the software updates from My Oracle Support, then set this parameter to "download". Then, enter the credentials for the following parameters in double quotes:



  • If you want to install the software updates from a staged location, then set this parameter to "staged". Then, for the STAGE_LOCATION parameter, enter the absolute path, which leads to the Updates directory where the software updates are available, in double quotes.

    For this option, as a prerequisite, you must have already downloaded the software updates. For instructions, seeOracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.


Applicable only to normal upgrade.

Not applicable to software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for software-only upgrade.



Upgrade to 13c Release 4 is an out-of-place upgrade, therefore you must enter a new middleware home where the installer can automatically install Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 2 ( and Java Development Kit (JDK) Java version “1.8.0_191”. Ensure that the middleware location has write permission.

For example, /u01/software/em13c/oraclehome.

Note: Ensure that the Middleware home you enter here is used only for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Ensure that no other Oracle Fusion Middleware products or components are installed in the same Middleware home.

Note: Ensure that the number of characters in the middleware home path does not exceed 70 characters for Unix platforms and 25 characters for Microsoft Windows platforms.

For example, the middleware home path C:\Oracle\MW\EM containing only 15 characters is acceptable. However, C:\OracleSoftware\OracleMiddleware\OracleEnterpriseManager\OMS\newrelease\oms containing more than 25 characters is not acceptable for Microsoft Windows platforms.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.



By default, gc_inst is considered as the OMS Instance Base directory for storing all OMS-related configuration files, and by default, it is created outside the Middleware home.

  • To accept the default location and the directory name, leave the parameter blank.

  • To have a custom location and a custom directory name, enter the absolute path to the custom location leading up to the custom directory name.

    For example, /u01/software/em13c/gc_inst.

Important: If you are installing on an NFS-mounted drive and creating the OMS instance base directory (gc_inst) on that NFS-mounted drive, then after you install, move the lock files from the NFS-mounted drive to a local file system location. Modify the lock file location in the httpd.conf file to map to a location on a local file system. For instructions, refer to Moving Lock Files from an NFS-Mounted Drive to a Local File System Location.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well software-only upgrade.



Enter the base directory of the OMS you want to upgrade. This is essentially the middleware home where the OMS home is present.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.



By default, this parameter is set to TRUE.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to 1normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade. Not applicable to additional OMS upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.



Enter the password for the WebLogic user account.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Not applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter.



Not applicable.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Not applicable to additional OMS upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for additional OMS upgrade.



Enter the SYS user account's password


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Not applicable to additional OMS upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for additional OMS upgrade.



Enter the SYSMAN user account's password.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Not applicable to additional OMS upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for additional OMS upgrade.



As a prerequisite, you must back up the Management Repository before you start upgrading your Enterprise Manager system. If you have taken a backup, then set this parameter to TRUE. Otherwise, set it to FALSE


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Not applicable to additional OMS upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for additional OMS upgrade.



If you have to stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance, then set this parameter to TRUE to disable the DDMP jobs. If you do not plan to stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance, and hence do not want to disable the DDMP jobs, then set this parameter to FALSE.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

String List


(A comma-separated list of plug-in names, where the plug-in names must be in double quotes)

For example: PLUGIN_SELECTION={"oracle.sysman.empa","oracle.sysman.vt"}

By default, all plug-ins deployed on the OMS are automatically upgraded when newer versions exist or migrated when newer versions do not exist. Also, new plug-ins are deployed when the plug-ins being upgraded have new dependencies or when there are any new default plug-ins introduced with a release.

You might have a deprecated plug-in in your environment that can be upgraded to a plug-in version that is supported only in 13c Release 4, but not in any of the future releases. If such a deprecated plug-in exists, then evaluate your and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the upgrade of such plug-ins.


If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to version, and in the earlier version you have deployed plug-ins, then these plug-ins will get removed in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software binaries.

Therefore, you must make sure that you download the plug-ins using Enterprise Manager Self Update and pass it to the installer.

If you want to install any of the other optional plug-ins, then enter the names of those plug-ins for this parameter.

If you want to install any plug-in that is not available in the software kit, then follow these steps:

  1. Manually download the required plug-ins.
  2. Invoke the installer with the following parameter, and pass the location where the plug-ins have been downloaded.

    ./em13400_<platform>.bin PLUGIN_LOCATION=<absolute_path_to_plugin_software_location>

    If you want to enter the names of any deprecated plug-in that is supported only in 13c Release 4 but not in any of the future releases, then evaluate your choice and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the deployment of such plug-ins.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Not applicable to additional OMS upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for software-only upgrade.



If you are upgrading an OMS that already has Oracle BI Publisher installed and configured in a shared location, then set this parameter to FALSE.

However, if you are upgrading an OMS that does not already have Oracle BI Publisher installed, or if you are upgrading an OMS that has Oracle BI Publisher installed but not configured in a shared location, then set this parameter to TRUE, and configure a shared location for Oracle BI Publisher.

The shared storage location will act as a common location for storing the report catalog and associated management information for the first OMS you are installing now and also for the additional OMS you plan to install in the future.

Identify a shared location that you can use for Oracle BI Publisher. If you do not have an existing shared location, create a new one and ensure that it is visible on the host where you are installing the first OMS and also on other hosts where you plan to install additional OMS instances.

At upgrade time, for the installation to be successful, you can reserve approximately 400 MB of hard disk space for the shared directory. However, Oracle recommends that you scale it to at least 10 GB eventually, and ensure that it can be extended further in the future because the space utilization increases over a period of time as you install additional plug-ins and create more reports.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Not applicable to additional OMS upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for software-only upgrade.



Set this only if the CONFIGURE_SHARED_LOCATION_BIP parameter is set to TRUE.

Specify the path leading up to the /cluster directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher scheduler storage can be maintained for Oracle BI Publisher to operate in a high-availability environment. For example, /u01/software/examplehost/BIP/cluster.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Not applicable to additional OMS upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for software-only upgrade.



Set this only if the CONFIGURE_SHARED_LOCATION_BIP parameter is set to TRUE.

Specify the path leading up to the /config directory on the shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher repository and configuration files can be stored. For example, /u01/software/examplehost/BIP/config.


Applicable to normal upgrade as well as software-only upgrade.

Not applicable to additional OMS upgrade.

Therefore, comment out this parameter for software-only upgrade.



Enable or disable the installed and configured Oracle BI Publisher. Enabling Oracle BI Publisher starts the software and keeps it ready for use within the Enterprise Manager system. Disabling Oracle BI Publisher leaves the software as it is without starting it.

To enable Oracle BI Publisher, set this parameter to TRUE. To disable, set this parameter to FALSE.