26 Coherence Integration with JVM Diagnostics

This chapter describes the JVM Diagnostics integration with Coherence. It contains the following sections:


JVM Diagnostics provides deep visibility into the runtime of the JVM. It allows administrators to identify the root cause of performance problems in the production environment without having to reproduce them in the test or development environment. You can view the JVM Diagnostics data if the JVM Diagnostics Manager and JVM Diagnostics Agent have been deployed on the host machine on which the OMS running.

You can also use JVM Diagnostics to diagnose performance issues in Oracle Coherence cluster nodes. You can drill down to a Coherence node's JVM to identify the method or thread that is causing a delay. This feature allows you to trace live threads, identify resource contention related to locks, and trace the Java session to the database. To diagnose performance issue in a Coherence node, you must configure the node so that it can be monitored by JVM Diagnostics.


JVM Diagnostics is a part of the WLS Management Pack EE Management Pack.

Configuring Coherence Nodes for JVM Diagnostics Integration

To setup JVM Diagnostics on each Coherence node, you must download the JVM Diagnostics Agent. To download the JVM Diagnostics Agent, follow the steps listed in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide. When the JVM Diagnostics is downloaded, the jamagent.war file is downloaded. You must to copy the .war file to all machines on which the Coherence nodes are to be integrated with JVM Diagnostics, and add it to the class path.

Additionally, you must add the Doracle.coherence.jamjvmid system property. The value of this property must match the value specified for jamjvmid. For more details on setting up the jamjvmid property, see the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Example Start Script for Coherence Management Node

An example start script is given below.

CP=$CP:<Path to jamagent.war>:<EM CC_Agent_Home>/plugins/oracle.sysman.emas.agent.plugin_
<EM CC_Agent_Home>/plugins/oracle.sysman.emas.agent.plugin_
JAM_ARGS="$JAM_ARGS jamconshost=<oms_host>"
JAM_ARGS="$JAM_ARGS jamconsport=<oms_port>"
JAM_ARGS="$JAM_ARGS jampool=<coherence_cluster_name>"
-Dtangosol.coherence.member=<unique member name> 
-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m 

Example Start Script for All Other Nodes

An example start script for all other nodes is given below.

JAM_ARGS="$JAM_ARGS jamconshost=<oms_host>"
JAM_ARGS="$JAM_ARGS jamconsport=<oms_port>"
JAM_ARGS="$JAM_ARGS jampool=<coherence_cluster_name>"
-Doracle.coherence.home=<coherence home>
-Dtangosol.coherence.member=<unique member name> 

Accessing JVM Diagnostics from Coherence Targets

If the Coherence nodes have been correctly configured for JVM Diagnostics, menu items for JVM Diagnostics will be available from each of the Oracle Coherence Node, Oracle Coherence Cache and Oracle Coherence Cluster targets.

Accessing JVM Diagnostics from Oracle Coherence Node Menu

From the Oracle Coherence Node Home page, select JVM Diagnostics from the Oracle Coherence Node menu. The drill down page for the JVM corresponding to the Coherence node is displayed.

Accessing JVM Diagnostics from Oracle Coherence Cache Menu

From the Oracle Coherence Cache Home page, select JVM Diagnostics from the Oracle Coherence Cache menu. The Java Workload Explorer page that shows a summary of JVMs for the nodes that supports the cache appears.

Accessing JVM Diagnostics from Oracle Coherence Cluster Menu

From the Oracle Coherence Cluster Home page, select JVM Diagnostics from the Oracle Coherence Cluster menu. The Java Workload Explorer page which will show a summary of JVMs for the nodes that supports the cache is displayed.

Including the JVM Diagnostics Regions in the Coherence Target Home Pages

If the Coherence cluster nodes have been configured with JVM Diagnostics, the JVM Diagnostics regions can be included in the Coherence cluster and node Home pages. For more information about adding these regions, see Personalization.