4 Multiple Patch Application

OPatchAuto supports the application of multiple patches. Changes to the OPatchAuto utility as well as its use (specific to multiple patch application) are described in this chapter.

Command Line Support

The following changes to the OPatchAuto command line syntax have been implemented to support the application of multiple patches. A new command line option -phBaseDir <Parent Directory> is now available which allows you to specify a 'parent directory' that can hold all the patches to be applied in the session. Accordingly, OPatchAuto will perform all the binary patching and configuration patching/product patching operations on the entire list of these patches.

opatchauto apply [ -phBaseDir <patch-location> ] [ -oh <home> ]
                 [ -log <log> ]
                 [ -logLevel <log_priority> ] [ -analyze ]
                 [ -invPtrLoc <inventory.pointer.location> ]
  [ -nonrolling ]  
  [ -generatesteps ]  
  [ -norestart]   
  [ -database <database> ] 
  [ -wallet <wallet> ] 

In addition, command line multiple patch support has been implemented for sharded (horizontally partitioned) databases.

opatchauto apply [ -phBaseDir <patch-location> ]
                 [ -log <log> ]
                 [ -logLevel <log_priority> ] [ -analyze ]
                 [ -wallet <wallet> ] 
                 [ -host <tns-host> ]

Supported Content of the Patch Base Directory

The following list shows the various types of patches that can be placed in the Patch Base directory.

  • 1 or more one-off patches

  • 1 Composite patch

  • 1 Composite patch and 1 or more one-off patches

  • 1 System Patch / bundle patch

  • 1 System Patch / bundle patch and 1 or more one-off patches

  • 1 System Patch / bundle patch which has a composite patch in it

  • 1 System Patch / bundle patch which has a composite patch in it and 1 or more

  • 1 System Patch / bundle patch and 1 or more one-off patches and 1 Composite patch (One-off patch)

-phBaseDir Restrictions

The following table lists the restrictions when using the -phBaseDir option.

Restriction Failure

Patch location and -phBaseDir option are mutually exclusive to each other.

Failed during option validation while starting orchestration.

Every single directory in the parent-directory must be a valid patch.

Failed during patch package creation.

All patches should be of same version number.

Failed during opatch prereq.

The maximum number of system patches allowed is 1. Otherwise patching will fail during bootstrapping.