3 Upgrading to RUEI 13.4

This chapter describes the procedure for upgrading an existing RUEI 13.x.x.x installation to release 13.4. The post-installation configuration procedure is described in Configuring RUEI. Before upgrading RUEI, check that your system conforms to the prerequisites outlined in Prerequisites .

Migrating Users with Enterprise Manager Access

As of Release, RUEI does not allow user accounts (as distinct from system accounts) to have the Enterprise Manager access role. When upgrading from a release prior to, non-system accounts that have this privilege will have that privilege revoked and a message will be displayed. You need to create new system accounts with the Enterprise Manager access permission as described in the Managing Users and Permissions chapter of the RUEI User's Guide. The revocation of the privilege happens during "rpm_post_install" phase, for example:

2020-01-13 23:28:29 check_em_access_permissions ...
[User Permissions] EM access has been revoked, for the following user account(s):
[User Permissions] - em_user
[User Permissions] To restore, the user(s) must first be converted to a system account. This can be accomplished via the edit user wizard in the UI.
2020-01-13 23:28:30 check_em_access_permissions done

Patching the Operating System

RUEI installation is supported for both RedHat Enterprise/Oracle Linux 6.x and RedHat Enterprise/Oracle Linux 7.x. However, upgrade the system to the latest patch version before upgrading to RUEI for maximum reliability and security.

Upgrading From RUEI 13.x.x.x to 13.4

This section describes the procedure for upgrading from an existing RUEI 13.x.x.x installation to release 13.4

Before proceeding with the upgrade, make a backup of your configuration, the main database, and the databases on each processor separately. To perform a configuration backup, select System >Maintenance, and then click Backup and restore. The configuration backup is required in case of a rollback.

For more information on how to back up your database, see the Backup and Recovery User's Guide .

Verifying the Environment is Ready to Upgrade to RUEI 13.4

Before starting the upgrade, you should verify your current RUEI environment is ready to upgrade to this RUEI release. This can safely be done before you enter the maintenance window for your upgrade.

Do the following:

  1. Log in to the Reporter as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the RUEI zip file, and go to the directory containing the application files. Run the following commands:

    cd /root
    unzip Vxxxx.zip
  2. Run the pre-installation readiness check by running the following commands:

    cd /root/ruei
    chmod +x ruei-upgrade.sh
    ./ruei-upgrade.sh verify_pre_upgrade

If any issues are reported, these should be resolved before the upgrade. You can run the same steps again to verify the issues are resolved.

Upgrading the Reporter System from RUEI 13.x.x.x

To upgrade the Reporter system from RUEI 13.x.x.x, perform the procedures shown in the following sections:


The Reporter upgrade procedure described in this section applies to both single server installations as well as dedicated Reporter systems.
Perform the Upgrade
  1. Run the following commands:

    cd /usr/java
    tar xzf /root/ruei/java/jre-8u271-linux-x64.tar.gz
  2. This installs the necessary Java software in the directory /usr/java/jre1.8.0_271 /usr/java/jre. To make the install directory version independent, change the /usr/java/jre symlink to point to the new Java software version:

    rm /usr/java/jre
    ln -s /usr/java/jre1.8.0_271 /usr/java/jre
  3. Stop all processing on the Reporter and Collector system(s) running the following commands:

    cd /root/ruei
    chmod +x ruei-upgrade.sh
    ./ruei-upgrade.sh stop_ruei
  4. Perform the necessary pre-upgrade actions by running the following commands:

    cd /root/ruei
    ./ruei-upgrade.sh rpm_pre_install
  5. Update RUEI database instance.


    When using a remote Pluggable Database or in other instances where you are using the REMOTE_DB=1 and DBCONNECT options in /etc/ruei.conf, you can execute the below steps as the RUEI_USER user on the reporter system. You will need the password of the global SYS user.

    Make the ruei-prepare-db.sh script available to the Oracle user (for example, by extracting the RUEI distribution zip) on the system where the database resides. Update the RUEI database instance by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/ruei
    cp ruei-prepare-db.sh /home/oracle
    cp -r sql_scripts /home/oracle
    chmod +x /home/oracle/ruei-*.sh
    chmod +r /home/oracle/sql_scripts/*
    su - oracle
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1 (See Footnote 1)
    ./ruei-prepare-db.sh sql_packages

    Upon completion, you should again become the root user on the reporter system.

    Footnote 1: Replace "12.1.0" in the ORACLE_HOME path with the database version applicable in your setup.

  6. For each required Collector system, perform the steps indicated in Upgrading the Remote Collector System(s) from RUEI 13.x.x.x.

  7. Note:

    This step should be executed when upgrading from a version prior to

    As the root user, run the following commands and changes in order to upgrade the Oracle Instantclient and php-oci8 versions to 12cR1

    rpm -e --nodeps php-oci8-11gR2
    rpm -e --nodeps oracle-instantclient11.2-sqlplus
    rpm -e --nodeps oracle-instantclient11.2-basic
    cd /root/ruei/ic
    rpm -Uvh oracle-instantclient12.1-*

    In /etc/ruei.conf , change the value of INSTANTCLIENT_DIR to /usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64

    cd /root/ruei/php/ol6
    rpm -Uhv php-oci8-*
    service httpd restart
  8. Install the new versions of the RPMs running the following commands:

    cd /root/ruei
    chmod +x ruei-install.sh
    ./ruei-install.sh reporter
  9. Perform the necessary post-upgrade actions by running the following commands:

    cd /root/ruei
    ./ruei-upgrade.sh rpm_post_install


    This can take several hours on a large system due to the reorganization of indexes in 13.4.
  10. Restart processing running the following commands:

    cd /root/ruei
    ./ruei-upgrade.sh reinitialize
    ./ruei-upgrade.sh start_ruei
Verify the Upgrade
After completing the upgrade, verify your installation by running the following commands on the Reporter system:
cd /root/ruei
./ruei-check.sh diagnostics


The RUEI systems may require some time to settle after completing the upgrade. Once settled, the check “Reporter ~ post-install-settled” >> “System Status Overview” should report [ OK ], as shown in the following graphic.

Graphic shows report diagnostics.


The RUEI system check, verifies many parts of the system, including the “System Status Overview”. The “System Status Overview” can also be accessed using the UI by selecting System, then Status.


For more information on the RUEI system check see RUEI System Check Tool for more information.

Upgrading the Remote Collector System(s) from RUEI 13.x.x.x

For each required remote Collector system, login as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the RUEI zip file, go to the directory containing the application files, and install the new versions of the RPMs. Do the following:

  1. Unzip the RUEI distribution package running the following commands:

    cd /root
    unzip Vxxxx.zip
  2. Run the following commands:

    cd /usr/java
    tar xzf /root/ruei/java/jre-8u271-linux-x64.tar.gz
  3. This installs the necessary Java software in the directory /usr/java/jre1.8.0_271. To make the install directory version independent, change the /usr/java/jre symlink to point to the new Java software version:

    rm /usr/java/jre
    ln -s /usr/java/jre1.8.0_271 /usr/java/jre
  4. Upgrade the Collector RPMs running the following commands:

    cd /root/ruei
    chmod +x ruei-install.sh
    ./ruei-install.sh collector
  5. Verify the Collector upgrade.

    To verify the collector upgrade, please run the RUEI post-installation check using the following commands:

    cd /root/ruei
    chmod +x ruei-check.sh
    ./ruei-check.sh collector post-install

After completing the above procedure for each required Collector system, you should continue with the upgrade of the Reporter system. For more information, see Upgrading the Reporter System from RUEI 13.x.x.x.

Improved Database Performance

Starting with release, you will experience better database performance by disabling use of the PARALLEL hint. You can apply the new defaults to your configuration by running the following commands as the RUEI_USER user:

execsql config_set_value processor db_core_dop 1
execsql config_set_value processor db_core_dop_kpi 1
execsql config_set_value processor db_gui_dop 1
execsql config_set_value processor cubr_fact_hints ''

Steps After Upgrading From RUEI 13.x.x.x

For All Sessions data, to make pre-upgrade data available again in the data browser, run the following command:


These post-upgrade steps should only be executed when upgrading from versions prior to

./ruei-upgrade.sh migrate_visit_data

After migrating the pre-upgrade data successfully, run the following command to delete the old data:

./ruei-upgrade.sh drop_visit_cube

For Sessions Diagnostic data, to make pre-upgrade data available again in the data browser, run the following command:

./ruei-upgrade.sh migrate_session_data

After migrating the pre-upgrade data successfully, run the following command to delete the old data:

./ruei-upgrade.sh drop_session_cube