Knowing Your Plug-Ins

This section explains the following:

Customizing Your View

This section tells you how to customize your view, and organize the plug-ins and columns displayed.

Customizing Displayed Plug-Ins

Over a period of time, as you download and deploy plug-ins, the number of plug-ins on your list increases. You can sort these plug-ins to view only the ones you require, for example, only the plug-ins available, or only the plug-ins deployed.

In order to customize your view, follow these steps.

  1. From the View menu, select Plug-Ins.
  2. From the Plug-Ins menu, select one of the following filters.
    • All, using this filter, you can view all plug-ins, including available, downloaded, and deployed plug-ins.

    • Only Available, using this filter, you can view the plug-ins that are available for download.

    • Only Downloaded, using this filter, you can view the plug-ins that are downloaded.

    • Only Deployed, using this filter, you can view the plug-ins that are deployed.

Customizing Displayed Columns

By default, only a few columns of information are displayed. Optionally, you can either enable other columns of your interest, or disable ones that are already displayed.

In order to customize the displayed columns, follow these steps.

  1. From the View menu, select Columns.
  2. From the Columns menu, select one of the following filters for columns.
    • Show All, using this filter, you can view all columns.

    • Vendor, using this filter, you can view information about the vendor.

    • Plug-In Id, using this filter, you can view the plug-in id.

    • Version, this filter has three options you can choose from. They are as follows.

      • Latest Available, using this filter, you can view the newest plug-ins that are available.

      • Latest Downloaded, using this filter, you can view the plug-ins that have been downloaded recently.

      • On Management Server, using this filter, you can view the plug-ins that are deployed to the OMS.

    • Management Agent with Discovery Plug-Ins Only, this filter displays the Management Agent which has only Discovery Plug-Ins deployed.

    • Management Agent with Plug-In, this filter displays the Management Agent which has any plug-in deployed on it.

    • Description, this filter displays the description of the plug-ins.

Checking the Availability of Plug-Ins

To check the availability of plug-ins, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the Self Update Console as described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.
  2. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins.
  3. On the Plug-ins page, in the Latest Available column of the table, check whether the plug-ins are available.

    To refresh the list of available plug-ins, click Check Updates. Note that clicking Check Updates will take you to the Self Update page.

Viewing Information about Plug-Ins

This section gives you more information on plug-ins, and functions related to plug-ins. This section covers the following sections:

Differentiating Plug-In Releases from Enterprise Manager Platform Releases

Plug-ins have independent release cycles and release numbers, which may or may not be tied to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control product releases and release numbers.

Plug-in releases typically happen more often than Enterprise Manager platform releases.

Figure 4-7 describes how plug-in releases are numbered.

Figure 4-7 Plug-In Release Number Format

plug-in release number format

Figure 4-8 describes how Enterprise Manager platform releases are numbered.

Figure 4-8 Enterprise Manager Core Platform Release Number Format

Core platform release number format


For Enterprise Manager platform releases where there was no beta, the beta/production value would always be zero. For example, the release version would be and not

Identifying Plug-In ID

To identify the ID of a plug-in, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins.
  2. On the Plug-ins page, in the Plug-in ID column of the table, note the plug-in ID of the plug-in of your interest.

    If you do not see this column, from the View menu, select Columns, then select Plug-in ID.

Figure 4-9 illustrates how you can identify the plug-in ID of the Oracle Database plug-in.

Figure 4-9 Identifying Plug-In ID

Identifying plug-in ID

Viewing Targets and Operating Systems Certified for Deployed Plug-Ins

To view a list of targets and operating systems certified for a deployed plug-in, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins.
  2. On the Plug-ins page, select the plug-in of your interest, and from the Actions menu, select Information.
  3. On the Plug-in Information page, in the General tab, review the information provided in the Certified Targets and Certified Operating Systems tables.

Viewing Plug-In Dependencies

To view the dependencies of the preferred plug-in, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins.
  2. On the Plug-ins page, select the plug-in of your interest, and from the Actions menu, select Information.
  3. On the Plug-in Information page, in the Dependencies tab, review the information provided in the tables.

Verifying Deployed Plug-Ins

To view and administer the deployed plug-ins, from the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control displays the Plug-ins page, which is essentially the Plug-In Manager console.

To identify the OMS instances on which the plug-in of your interest is deployed, follow these steps using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins.

  2. On the Plug-ins page, select the plug-in of your interest, and from the Actions menu, select Information.

  3. On the Plug-in Information page, in the Management Servers tab, review the Oracle Management Services on which the plug-in is deployed.

To identify the Management Agents on which the plug-in of your interest is deployed, follow these steps using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins.
  2. On the Plug-ins page, select the plug-in of your interest, and from the Actions menu, select Information.
  3. On the Plug-in Information page, in the Management Agent tab, review the Management Agents on which the plug-in is deployed.

Example 4-1 Sample List of Plug-Ins Deployed on OMS
Plug-in Name Plug-in ID Version (Revision)

Oracle Database


Oracle Fusion Middleware


Oracle MOS (My Oracle Support)


Oracle Exadata


Example 4-2 Sample List of Plug-ins Deployed on Management Agent

emcli list_plugins_on_agent
Lists plug-ins on the agent

emcli list_plugins_on_agent, -include_discovery
Lists plug-ins on both the agents provided along with their discovery components

emcli list_plugins_on_agent -agent_names='agent*,st*93'
Lists plug-ins on all agents with name matching one of the regular expressions agent* or st*93

emcli list_plugins_on_agent -all
Lists plug-ins on all the management agents.

To identify the Plug-ins deployed on OMS, on EM CLI, log in to EMCLI, and enter the following command. The command displays a list of all the plug-ins deployed on the OMS.

$emcli login

-username=<EM Console Username>

[-password=<EM Console Password>]


$emcli list_plugins_on_server

To identify and view all the Plug-ins deployed on Management Agent, on EM CLI, enter the following command:

$emcli list_plugins_on_agent


[-all] [-include_discovery]