E Enabling the Enterprise Manager Accessibility Features

As part of the effort to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible and usable to the disabled community, Enterprise Manager offers several features that make management data available to users of assistive technology and individuals with disabilities in general.

Enterprise Manager provides support for Screen Reader. Also, you can navigate through the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console with a keyboard alone – using common keyboard commands.


If Screen Reader support is enabled, then all pages related to Refresh Process Status are not refreshed automatically because Partial Page Rendering (PPR) is turned off. This is an expected behavior.

Enabling Screen Reader Mode

There are numerous pages of monitoring and management data in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console. Different technologies are used for implementing these pages – for example, many pages rely upon Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF), while others depend upon User Interface XML (UIX). These underlying technologies require different setup for enabling screen reader mode. Pages implemented with ADF work in screen reader by default. No further action is required. However, pages implemented with UIX require additional steps to be screen reader enabled.

Enabling Screen Reader Mode for UIX Pages

UI implemented in UIX needs additional manual configuration for screen reader mode.

To enable screen reader mode for UIX pages, do the following:

  1. Locate the uix-config.xml configuration file.

    To locate the uix-config.xml file in a Cloud Control installation, change directory to the following location in the Oracle Management Service home:



    If you have multiple OMS, you need to perform the steps individually for each OMS.
  2. Open the uix-config.xml file using a text editor and set the following entry:
    <!-- An alternate configuration that disables accessibility features  -->


    <accessibility-mode>- The accessibility-mode element defines what level of accessibility support should be generated. Acceptable values are default and inaccessible, which turns off accessibility features. This improves the page size and screenReader, which enhances the accessibility to optimize usability with screen readers, but might degrade the appearance in standard browsers.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Restart the Oracle Management Service.


UIX accessibility mode is a product-wide setting. You will have to restart the Enterprise Manager Management Service for this setting to take effect.


In the uix-config.xml file, enable-auto-table-ctrl-labels is set to true. This enables tool tip boxes containing labels to appear when you hover your cursor over UI elements such as checkboxes and radio buttons in tables. To disable this function, change the setting to false.

Enabling Text Descriptions for Charts for UIX Pages

Throughout the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console, charts are used to display performance data. For most users, these charts provide a valuable graphical view of the data that can reveal trends and help identify minimum and maximum values for performance metrics. However, charts do not convey information in a manner that can be read by a screen reader. To remedy this problem, you can configure Enterprise Manager to provide a complete textual representation of each performance chart. By default, support for the textual representation of charts is disabled. When textual description for charts is enabled, Enterprise Manager displays a small icon for each chart that can be used as a drill-down link to the textual representation.

To configure web.xml file, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the web.xml configuration file.

    To locate the web.xml file in a Cloud Control installation, change directory to the following location in the Oracle Management Service home:



    If you have multiple OMS, you need to perform the steps individually for each OMS.
  2. Open the web.xml file with your favorite text editor and locate the following six lines of the file:
    <!-- Uncomment this to enable textual chart descriptions
  3. Remove comments from this section by deleting the first line and the last line of this section so that the section consists of only these 4 lines:
  4. Save and exit the file.
  5. Restart the Oracle Management Service.

Verifying Screen Reader Support Is Enabled

To verify if the Screen Reader support is enabled for ADF pages, follow these steps:

  1. On the Cloud Control home page, from the <user_name> menu, select About Enterprise Manager.

  2. In the About Enterprise Manager dialog box, ensure that Accessibility Preference - Screen Reader Support is set to Enabled.

  3. If Accessibility Preference - Screen Reader Support is set to Disabled, follow the steps listed in Enabling the Enterprise Manager Accessibility Features.

To verify whether Screen Reader support has been enabled for UIX pages, follow these steps:

  1. On the Cloud Control home page, from the Setup menu, select Add Target and then select Groups.
    The Add Target page is displayed.

    UIX Page

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Keyboard Navigation

You can navigate the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console without a mouse and access all relevant functionality using only the keyboard. You don't need screen reader mode or any other assistive technology to use keyboard-only navigation, which is available to all users.

Generally, you use the following keys to navigate:

  • Tab key: Move to the next control, such as a dynamic target menu, navigation tree, content pane, or tab in a page. Tab traverses the page left to right, top to bottom. Use Shift +Tab to move to the previous control.

  • Up and Down Arrow keys: Move to the previous or next item in the navigation tree, menu, or table. Down Arrow also opens a menu.

  • Left and Right Arrow keys: Collapse and expand an item in the navigation tree or a submenu.

  • Esc: Close a menu.

  • Spacebar: Activate a control. For example, in a check box, spacebar toggles the state, checking or unchecking the box. On a link, spacebar navigates to the target of the link.

  • Enter: Activate a button.

Table E-1 shows some common tasks and the keyboard navigation used.

Table E-1 Keyboard Navigation for Common Tasks

Task Navigation

Move to next control, such as navigation tree or menu


Move to previous control, such as navigation tree or menu


Move to navigation pane

Tab until navigation tree has input focus

Move down the navigation tree

Down Arrow

Move up the navigation tree

Up Arrow

Expand a folder

Right Arrow

Collapse a folder

Left Arrow

Open a menu

Down Arrow

Move to the next item in a menu

Down Arrow

Move to the previous item in a menu

Up Arrow

Select a menu item


Open a submenu

Right Arrow

Close a submenu

Left Arrow

Move out of a menu


Activate a button


Open a tab in a content pane

Tab to the content pane, Tab to the tab to get input focus, then Enter to select the tab

Select an item, such as Message type in Log Messages screen


Select a row in a table

Tab to the header of the table, then Down Arrow to move to a row

Select a cell in a table

Tab to the header of the table, then Tab until you reach the cell you want to select, then Enter

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts enable you to perform user interface actions without using a mouse. Keyboard shortcuts for specific UI elements come from the Oracle Application Development Framework components that they are based on. You might also find keyboard shortcuts that are specific to a particular feature or product.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Oracle Application Development Framework Components

Enterprise Manager is based on some Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) components which come with standard keyboard shortcuts. In some cases, you might find different keyboard shortcuts specific to the page, feature or product that you are using. Oracle ADF keyboard shortcuts are described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle Application Development Framework Faces.

Default Mode

  • Refer to the following sections in the guide for the corresponding keyboard shortcuts.

    See: Keyboard Shortcuts

    • Shortcut Keys for Common Components
    • Shortcut Keys for Widgets
    • Shortcut Keys for Rich Text Editor Component
    • Shortcut Keys for Table, Tree, and Tree Table Components
    • Shortcut Keys for ADF Data Visualization Components
    • Shortcut Keys for Calendar Component

Screen Reader Mode

The keyboard shortcuts for some components in screen reader mode are different from the shortcuts in default mode.

  • Refer to the following sections in the guide for the corresponding keyboard shortcuts.

    See: Keyboard Shortcuts

    • Shortcut Keys for Table, Tree, and Tree Table Components in Screen Reader Mode
    • Shortcut Keys for ADF Data Visualization Components in Screen Reader Mode
    • Shortcut Keys for Calendar Component in Screen Reader Mode
Keyboard Shortcuts for Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) Components