B Redirecting Oracle Management Agent to Another Oracle Management Service

This appendix explains how to redirect or repoint your Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent), which is already communicating with an Oracle Management Service (OMS), to communicate and upload data to a different OMS that is part of a different Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) deployment.


  • Redirecting Management Agents to a different OMS that is part of a different Cloud Control deployment is supported only for Management Agents that were deployed afresh, and were not upgraded from an earlier version. You cannot redirect a Management Agent that was upgraded from an earlier version.

  • When you redirect a Management Agent to a different OMS that is part of a different Cloud Control deployment, you lose all the changes made to the agent instance home, such as user defined metric collections, changes made to the emd.properties file, and so on.

In particular, this appendix covers the following:

Prerequisites for Redirecting a Management Agent to Another OMS

Before redirecting or repointing a Management Agent, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Ensure that the new OMS that you want to point the Management Agent to is of the same version as the Management Agent, or of a higher version.

    To view the version of the Management Agent you want to repoint, from the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Agents. Click the name of the Management Agent. The Management Agent version is displayed in the Summary section.

    To view the version of the new OMS, from the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Management Services. Click the name of the new OMS. The OMS version is displayed in the Summary section.

    You can repoint the Management Agent only if the new OMS is compatible with the Management Agent. Using the Enterprise Manager certification matrix, you can view the compatibility between an OMS version and a Management Agent version. For information on accessing this matrix, refer Accessing the Enterprise Manager Certification Matrix in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

  • Ensure that the previous OMS that the Management Agent was pointing to, and the new OMS that you want to point the Management Agent to have the same set of plug-ins deployed on them, and that all the plug-ins configured on the Management Agent are deployed on the new OMS. Also, ensure that all these plug-ins deployed on the new OMS are of the same version, (that is, the version configured on the Management Agent or the previous OMS) or a higher version.

    To view the list of plug-ins deployed on a particular OMS, log in to the Enterprise Manager system, from the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins.

    To view the list of plug-ins configured on a particular Management Agent, run the following command:

    $<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl listplugins agent -type all

  • Ensure that the Management Agent that you want to redirect is up and running, then run the following command to re-create the plugins.txt file:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/perl/bin/perl $<AGENT_HOME>/sysman/install/create_plugin_list.pl -instancehome <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>


    By default, the Perl install location is specified as /usr/local/bin in create_plugin_list.pl. If Perl is installed on the Management Agent host in a different location, ensure that you edit the first line of create_plugin_list.pl, and specify the location where Perl is installed.

  • Ensure that all the patches applied on the Management Agent that change the target type or collection metadata are also applied on the new OMS that you want to point the Management Agent to.

    To view all the patches applied on the Management Agent, from the Targets menu, select All Targets. Click the name of the Management Agent Oracle Home target. All the patches applied on the Management Agent are displayed in the Applied Patches section.

    From the displayed list of patches, apply the required patches (the patches that change the target type or collection metadata) on the new OMS. For information on how to apply a patch on an OMS, seePatching Oracle Management Service and the Repository in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

  • If you have applied any one-off patches on the Management Agent you want to repoint, ensure that you apply the fix for Bug 15904425 on the Management Agent and the new OMS.

Redirecting a Management Agent to Another OMS

To redirect or repoint a Management Agent, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Management Agent:

    $<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop agent

  2. Delete the Management Agent target on the old OMS:

    $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli delete_target -delete_monitored_targets -name=<name_of_agent_target> -type="oracle_emd"

    For more information about the delete_target EMCLI command, see delete_target in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Command Line Interface Guide.

  3. Remove the Management Agent instance home:

    rm -rf <absolute_path_to_agent_instance_home>

    If the agent base directory and the agent instance home point to the same physical location, do not run this command. Instead, remove the <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin, <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/sysman, <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/diag, and <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/install directories.

  4. Create a new instance home for the Management Agent and redirect it to the new OMS. To do so, run the agentDeploy.sh script(agentDeploy.bat for Microsoft Windows hosts) with the -configOnly option:

    $<AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_13. AGENT_BASE_DIR=<absolute_path_to_agent_base_dir> AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=<absolute_path_to_agent_base_dir>/agent_inst AGENT_PORT=<port_for_agent_process> OMS_HOST=<new_oms_host_name> EM_UPLOAD_PORT=<upload_port> AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD=<agent_reg_password> -configOnly

    For example,

    /scratch/emga/agt4agi/agent_13. AGENT_BASE_DIR=/u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=/u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir/agent_inst AGENT_PORT=3880 OMS_HOST=newoms.example.com EM_UPLOAD_PORT=4900 AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD=<password> -configOnly

    For more information about the parameters you can specify while running agentDeploy.sh or agentDeploy.bat, refer Table 6-4. For more information about the -configOnly option, refer Table 6-7.


    The specified agent base directory location and the new agent instance home location map to locations on the same host, where the Management Agent was already configured. The OMS host name, of course, maps to the other host where the new OMS is configured, that is, the OMS with which you want the Management Agent to communicate now.