
Creates a redundancy group.


 emcli create_redundancy_group        -redundancyGroupName="redGrpName"        -memberTargetType="tType"        -memberTargetNames="tName1;tName2"        [-group_status_criterion=NUMBER|PERCENTAGE]        [-group_status_tracked=UP|DOWN]        [-group_status_value=<group_status_value>]        [-timezone_region=<valid_time_zone_region>]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • redundancyGroupName

    Name of the redundancy group.

  • memberTargetType

    Target type of the constituent member targets.

  • memberTargetNames

    Member targets for this redundancy group.

  • group_status_criterion

    this optionand the next two calculate the status of the Redundancy Group. Consequently, you need to specify all three options together. If this is not to be a capacity group, you need to specify the following combination:

    -group_status_criterion='NUMBER' -group_status_tracked='UP' -group_status_value='1']
  • group_status_tracked

    See the parameter above.

  • group_status_value

    See the group_status_criterion parameter.

    You can specify any value between 1 and 100 if -group_status_criterion= "PERCENTAGE", or any value between 1 and the number of targets present if -group_status_criterion="NUMBER".

  • timezone_region

    Time zone region of this redundancy group. For a list of valid time zone regions, enter the following command at SQLPLUS:


    You may need to have the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role to execute this command.

  • is_propagating

    Indicates whether or not the privilege on the redundancy group will be propagated to member targets. The default value is false.


Example 1

This example creates a redundancy group with the name 'redGrp1' and with listener, listener2, listener3 as its member targets. The status is calculated as the redundancy group being up if 55 percent of its member targets are up.

    emcli create_redundancy_group -redundancyGroupName='redGrp1'          -memberTargetType='oracle_listener'          -memberTargetNames='listener;listener2;listener3'          -group_status_criterion='PERCENTAGE'          -group_status_tracked='UP'          -group_status_value='55'

Example 2

This example creates a 'redGrp1' redundancy group with listener, listener2, and listener3 as its member targets and time zone as PST8PDT. The status is calculated as the redundancy group being up if two of its member targets are up.

emcli create_redundancy_group -redundancyGroupName='redGrp1'