
Discovers a JBoss target in Oracle Enterprise Manager. JBoss targets include JBoss JEE servers, JBoss application servers, JBoss domains, and JBoss partitions (for example, jboss_jeeserver, jboss_app_server , jboss_domain or jboss_partition).

For additional information on how to use the discover_jboss EM CLI verb, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface documentation available on the Oracle Technology Network.


  emcli discover_jboss

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • host

    Fully qualified name of the JBoss host in the case of a standalone/JBoss 6 target or fully qualified name of the JBoss Domain Controller in the case of a domain based discovery.

  • version

    JBoss target version (only versions 6 and 7 are allowed).

  • port

    HTTP management port/JMX connector port.

  • agent

    Monitoring Agent.

  • auth_type

    JBoss authentication type (digest_authentication, basic_authentication, or none). Digest authentication is not allowed for JBoss 6 targets.

  • username

    JBoss host user name.

  • password

    JBoss host password.

  • debug

    Runs the verb in verbose mode for debugging purposes.


Example 1

The following example discovers JBoss targets of version 7 in Oracle Enterprise Manager.

emcli discover_jboss

Example 2

The following example discovers JBoss targets of version 6 in Oracle Enterprise Manager.

emcli discover_jboss