
Discovers Siebel Enterprise instances.


 emcli discover_siebel

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • input_file

    The input file should be in a CSV format. The structure of the CSV file is as follows:

    GATEWAY_HOST = < Gateway Server Host >,
    PORT = < Gateway Server Port - optional Default if not specified is 2320 >,
    INSTALL_DIR = < Gateway Server Install Directory - optional >,
    ENTERPRISE_NAME = < Siebel Enterprise Name >,
    SIEBEL_USERNAME = < Siebel Enterprise User Name >,
    SIEBEL_PASSWORD = < Siebel Enterprise Password >,
    DATABASE_USERNAME = < Database User Name >,
    DATABASE_PASSWORD = < Database Password >


    INSTALL_DIR is a mandatory parameter for discovering Siebel version 8.2.2 and above.

    This example shows discovery of a Siebel Enterprise (siebel) with the gateway located at host 'host1', installed at location 'Location1' and running at port '23201', with a Siebel user name and password of 'sbluser' and 'SBLpass' respectively, and a database user name and password of 'dbuser' and 'DBpass' respectively.


    Special cases for commas:

    • If any entry, such as a password, has a comma ( , ) you need to add it as a backslash comma ( \, ) in the CSV file. For instance, if SIEBEL_PASSWORD is we,lco,me1 the entry in the CSV file would be SIEBEL_PASSWORD = we\,lc\,ome1 .

    • If any entry, such as a password, has a backslash followed by a comma( \, ) you need to add it as as two backslashes followed by a comma( \\, ) in the CSV file. For instance, if SIEBEL_PASSWORD is we\,lco\,me1 the entry in the CSV file would be SIEBEL_PASSWORD = we\\,lc\\,ome1 .

      For information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • out_file

    Command output is redirected to this file. If not specified, output is printed on the console.

  • debug

    Executes in verbose mode and generates additional debug log messages in the output. If specified, detailed output is printed.

  • precheck

    Performs a mock discovery of the Siebel enterprise by executing all of the checks and validations. This option lists the results of these steps to the user for review prior to an actual discovery. It ensures that all prerequisite are met, and discovery does not occur if prerequisites are met.


Example 1

This example reads the my_enterprise_info.csv file to determine the Siebel Enterprise instances to be added to Cloud Control. The output of the command is redirected to the discovery_output.txt file.

  emcli discover_siebel 

Example 2

This example is the same as the example above, except it adds the -precheck option, which confirms if the precheck is successful, or shows errors if it failed.

  emcli discover_siebel 