
Describes the captures (and replays) contained in a directory.

Output Columns: Entity Name, Database Name, Start Time, Status.

Sample XML File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <cliImportData xmlns="">

Format - Standard Mode

emcli discover_workloads		[-input_file="template:<input file path>"]		[-include_replays]		[-format="[name:<pretty|script|csv>];[column_separator:"column_sep_string"];[row_separator:"row_sep_string"]"]

Format - Interactive or Script Mode

discover_workloads(		[input_file="template:<input file path>"]		[,include_replays=True/False]		[,format="[name:<pretty|script|csv>];[column_separator:"column_sep_string"];[row_separator:"row_sep_string"]"]		]


  • input_file

    Fully qualified path to an XML file containing parameters for the verb.

  • include_replays

    Describes the replays, in addition to the captures, that are contained in a directory.

  • format

    Specifies how the output is formatted. The default value is "name:pretty". You can use this option in the following ways:

    • format="name:pretty" Prints the output table in a readable format not intended to be parsed by scripts.

    • format="name:script" Sets the default column separator to a tab and the default row separator to a newline in the output. You can override the column and row separator strings with your own values.

    • format="name:script;column_separator:<column_sep_string>" Causes the verb output to be column-separated by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline character.

    • format="name:script;row_separator:<row_sep_string>" Causes the verb output to be row-separated by <row_sep_string>. Columns are separated by the tab character.

    • format="name:script;column_separator:<column_sep_string>;row_separator:<row_sep_string>" Causes the verb output to be column-separated by <column_sep_string> and row-separated by <row_sep_string>.

    • format="name:csv" Sets the default column separator to a comma and the default row separator to a newline in the output.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


Example 1 - Standard Mode

The following example describes the captures and replays contained in a directory.

emcli discover_workloads   -include_replays   -input_file=template:/storage/xml/import4Captures.xml

Example 2 - Interactive or Script Mode

The following example describes the captures and replays contained in a directory.

discover_workloads(include_replays=True,    input_file="template:/storage/xml/import4Captures.xml"  )

Example 3 - Standard Mode

The following example describes only the captures contained in a directory.

emcli discover_workloads  -input_file=template:/storage/xml/import4Captures.xml

Example 4 - Interactive or Script Mode

The following example describes only the captures contained in a directory.

discover_workloads(input_file="template:/storage/xml/import4Captures.xml"  )