
Downloads the specified databank file corresponding to the given ATS test. If no databank alias is specified, the command downloads all databanks for the test.


emcli download_ats_test_databank_file

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of the target.

  • type

    Name of the target type.

  • testname

    Name of the test.

  • testtype

    Type of test.

  • databankAlias

    Databank alias.

  • output_dir

    Output directory. If the directory does not exist, it is created.


Example 1

This example downloads the databank corresponding to alias1 for the specified test.

emcli download_ats_test_databank_file -name="Service Name"
                                      -testname="Test Name"

Example 2

This example downloads all databanks corresponding to the specified test.

emcli download_ats_test_databank_file -name="Service Name"
                                      -testname="Test Name"