
Adds or removes targets from an existing system. An error is not generated when attempting to delete a non-existent target in the system or when attempting to add a target that already exists in the system.

If you specify both the -add_members and -delete_members options in the same command, the members specified by -delete_members are deleted first, then the members specified by -add_members are added.


emcli modify_system 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Target name of the system to modify.

  • type

    System type: generic_system. Defaults to generic_system.

  • add_members

    Targets to add, each specified as target_name:target_type. You can specify this more than once. key_member specifies that this target is a part of the systems availability calculation. non_key_member specifies that this target is not a part of the systems availability calculation.

  • delete_members

    Member targets to be removed from the system, each specified as target_name:target_type. You can specify this option more than once.

  • owner

    New owner of the system.

  • privilege_propagation

    Enables or disables the privilege propagation flag for the group. Converts the normal group to a privilege propagating group and vice versa.

  • drop_existing_grants

    Drops existing grants on a group when conversion occurs in privilege propagation nature. This option is only applicable with the privilege_propagation parameter. The default value is yes.

  • availability_type

    Availability calculation method of the system. Defining this is required if key_member is defined. ALL denotes that all key members must be up in order to establish the system as UP. ANY denotes that at least one of the key members must be up in order to establish the system as UP.


Example 1

This example modifies system my_system by adding targets system_a:generic_system and database:oracle_database, and deleting the nonexistent target nosystem:generic_system from the system.

emcli modify_system -name=my_system

Example 2

This example modifies system db2_system by adding database database1 as a key member, adding databases database2 and database3 as non-key members, and deleting database4 and database5. The availability computation is impacted, since database1 is now part of the availability computation for the db2_system. If database4 and database5 were key members, they are no longer part of the availability computation for the db2_system.

Specifying separator and subseparator is optional. Separator defaults to ; and subseparator defaults to : .

emcli modify_system -name=db2_system -type=generic_system 