
Modifies a target instance definition.


To change the monitoring password of a database target, either use update_db_password (at the RAC level), or use modify_target with the following options:



emcli modify_target
      [-display_name="display name"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Target name.

  • type

    Target type.

  • properties

    Name-value pair list of properties for the target instance. The "name"(s) are identified in the target-type metadata definition. They must appear exactly as they are defined in that file. Metadata files are located in $AGENT_ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/metadata.


    This verb does not support setting global target properties. It is recommended that you use set_target_property_values to set target properties.

  • separator=properties

    Specifies a string delimiter to use between name-value pairs for the value of the -properties option. The default separator delimiter is ";".

  • subseparator=properties

    Specifies a string delimiter to use between name and value in each name-value pair for the value of the -properties option. The default subseparator delimiter is ":".

  • credentials

    Monitoring credentials (name-value pairs) for the target instance. The "name"(s) are identified in the target-type metadata definition as credential properties. They must appear exactly as they are defined in that file. Metadata files are located in $AGENT_ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/metadata.

  • input_file

    Used in conjunction with the -credentials option, this option enables you to store specific target monitoring credential values, such as passwords, in a separate file. The -input_file option specifies a mapping between a tag and a local file path. The tag is specified in lieu of specific monitoring credentials of the -credentials option. The tag must not contain colons ( : ) or semi-colons ( ; ).

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • display_name

    Sets the target display name.

  • on_agent

    Propagates changes to the Management Agent collecting this target's metrics.


Example 1

This example modifies the display name and properties for the oracle_database target with the name database. The on_agent flag ensures that the changes are propagated to the Management Agent collecting for this target.

emcli modify_target
      -display_name="New Name DB"

Example 2

This example modifies an oracle_database target type with the name payroll_db. In this example, the display name for this database (target name that is displayed in the Enterprise Manager UI) is being changed to payroll. The port number is being changed to 15067, and the Oracle Home is being changed to /oradb. The administrator (dbsnmp), whose previous default role was normal, is being changed to sysdba. This example also illustrates the use of the input_file to camouflage the credentials. The password is actually in a file named at_pwd_file. The -input_file argument replaces PWD_FILE with the contents of at_pwd_file in the -credentials option.

emcli modify_target

Example 3

This example modifies an existing Apache Tomcat target named TARGET_NAME. Here, the SSL Trust Store location for the target is changed.

emcli modify_target 

Example 4

This example modifies an existing Apache Tomcat target named TARGET_NAME. Here, the SSL Trust Store location and the SSL Trust Store password for the target are changed.

emcli modify_target 

Example 5

This example modifies the Monitoring Configuration of the PDB using the AgentPreferredConnectString property. For more information, see Agent Preferred Connect String.

emcli modify_target 
      -properties="AgentPreferredConnectString: (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL
      = tcp)(HOST = myScanListenerHost)(PORT = 1522)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = <custom service
      for the PDB>)))" 

Example 6

This example uses the subscribeResourceType property for the cluster target type to ensure that the listed resources, such as ora.database.type, ora.listener.type and ora.asm.type are monitored and events are sent to OMS.

emcli modify_target 

If the default subscribeResourceType property configuration with the ora.service.type resource is used, then the ora.service.type events are not sent to OMS.

Bug Fix 1

This example updates the ORACLE_HOME property in RAC and Oracle Database targets. A total of four statements are required in order to update RAC targets. This command must be run in Oracle Databases within the RAC target.

emcli modify_target(name="<TARGET_NAME>",type="rac_database",properties="OracleHome:/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/racdb11204")