
Shows the details of a particular patch plan.


For database patching use software maintenance verb db_software_maintenance.


emcli show_patch_plan 
        [-info [-showPrivs]] [-actions [-onlyShowEnabled]] 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Plan name. If you only provide this option with no other options, the full details of the patch plan are shown.

  • info

    Shows the generic information of the given patch plan.

  • show_Privs

    Shows the user privileges on the given patch plan along with the generic information.

  • actions

    Show the actions that are possible to be taken on the given patch plan.

  • onlyShowEnabled

    Only show the enabled actions on the given patch plan.

  • patches

    Shows details of the patches contained in the given patch plan.

  • targets

    Shows details of the targets contained in the given patch plan.

  • deplOptions

    Shows details of the deployment options contained in the given patch plan.

  • analysisResults

    Shows details of the analysis results of the given patch plan.

  • conflictFree

    Shows details of the conflict-free patches of the given patch plan.

  • impactedTargets

    Shows details of the impacted targets of the given patch plan.

  • deploymentProcedures

    Shows the deployment procedure of the given patch plan.


      emcli show_patch_plan -name="plan name"

      emcli show_patch_plan -name="plan name" -info 

      emcli show_patch_plan -name="plan name" -actions -onlyShowEnabled 

      emcli show_patch_plan -name="plan name" -info -showPrivs