
Displays the patch readme.


emcli show_patch_readme 
      -patch_composite_id= "patch_composite_id" 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • patch_composite_id

    Specifies the patch composite ID. The format of the patch composite ID must follow "p<PatchID>_<ReleaseID>_<PlatformID>_<LanguageID>".

  • output_location

    Specifies the location where the patch readme must be saved. The readme file name is saved in the format "<Patch_Composite_ID>_Readme.html"


Example 1

The following example displays the readme of the patch "p18706488_600000000001381_226_0":

emcli  show_patch_readme  

Example 2

The following example obtains the readme of the patch "p18706488_600000000001381_226_0" and saves the README in the /tmp directory:

emcli  show_patch_readme  