
Stops a blackout.

You can stop a blackout before it has fully started, for example, when it has a "Scheduled" status. You can also stop a blackout while it is in effect.


emcli stop_blackout
      [-max_wait_duration="maximum duration in seconds]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional. Note that the emd_url parameter is mandatory for blackouts created through emctl.


  • name

    Name of the blackout to stop.

  • createdby

    Enterprise Manager user who created the blackout. The default is the current user. The SUPER_USER privilege is required to stop a blackout created by another user.

  • emd_url

    The emd_url of the agent through which the emctl blackout was created. This is a mandatory parameter for blackouts created through emctl.

  • max_wait_duration

    The maximum duration (seconds) to wait for the blackout status to be updated.


Example 1

This example stops blackout backup_db3 created by the current user.

emcli stop_blackout -name=backup_db3

Example 2

This example stops blackout weekly_maint created by user joe. The current user must either be user joe or a user with the SUPER_USER privilege.

emcli stop_blackout -name=weekly_maint -createdby=joe