
Stops a maintenance operation for a member target or a list of member targets of an engineered system target.


emcli stop_engr_sys_maintenance
       -target_name="target_name" -target_type="target_type" | -input_file=data:"input_file_path"
       -operation=analyze | deploy | rollback 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • system_target_name

    Specifies the engineered system target name.

  • system_target_type

    Specifies the engineered system target type.

  • target_name

    Specifies the target name.

  • target_type

    Specifies the target type.

  • input_file

    Specifies the input file path.

  • operation

    Specifies the operation to be stopped. The possible values for this option are analyze, deploy, and rollback.


The following example stops the deploy operation for the member target "":"cluster" of the engineered system "":"oracle_dbmachine":

emcli stop_engr_sys_maintenance 
      -target_type="cluster" -operation=deploy