
Suppress the violations by the cs_iname, author, version, rule iname, target type, and target name. Unsuppress compliance rule violations by providing the suppress_until field. Optionally, you can provide comma-separated violation GUIDs.


emcli suppress_compliance_rule_violations
 -cs_iname=<standard internal name>
 -author=<standard author>
 -version=<standard version>
 -rule_iname=<rule internal name>
 -target_type=<target type>
 -target_name=<target name>
 [-violation_guid_list=<list of violation guids separated by comma]
 [-suppress_until=<suppress until date with date format MM-DD-YYYY>]
 [-reason=<reason for violations suppression>]


  • cs_iname

    The name of the compliance rule violation suppresion.

  • author

    The author that created this violation suppression.

  • version

    The version number of the violation suppression.

  • rule_iname

    The name of the rule this violation supression belongs to.

  • target_type

    The target type that is affected by this violation suppression.

  • target_name

    The target name that is affected by this violation suppression.

  • violation_guid_list (Optional)

    A comma-separated list that contains the compliance rule violation GUIDs.

  • suppress_until (Optional)

    Unsuppress compliance rule violations by using this flag. The date is in format "MM-DD-YYYY" .

  • reason (Optional)

    The reason this compliance rule violation suppression is active.


The following command suppresses the compliance rule violations with GUIDs: violation_guid1,violation_guid2,violation_guid3 until 05-27-2020.

emcli suppress_compliance_rule_violations
  -reason="It has been approved"